Lecture 1 - Course Overview
Lecture 2 - Introduction to Geometrical Optics
Lecture 3 - Ray Theory, Fermat's Principle
Lecture 4 - Refraction from Single Interface
Lecture 5 - Refraction from double interface
Lecture 6 - Matrix method in paraxial optics - I
Lecture 7 - Matrix Method in Paraxial Optics - II
Lecture 8 - Thick and Thin Lenses, Unit Planes
Lecture 9 - Nodal Planes, System of Thin Lenses
Lecture 10 - Problems on Geometrical Optics
Lecture 11 - Concept of Wavefront, Huygens Principle - I
Lecture 12 - Concept of Wavefront, Huygens Principle - II
Lecture 13 - Superposition of Waves
Lecture 14 - Introduction to Polarization, Linear and Circular Polarization
Lecture 15 - Elliptical Polarization
Lecture 16 - Interference of Light Waves, Interference of Polarized Light - I
Lecture 17 - Interference of Light Waves, Interference of Polarized Light - II
Lecture 18 - Young's Double Slit Experiment - I
Lecture 19 - Young's Double Slit Experiment - II
Lecture 20 - Interference with White Light, Displacement of Fringes, Fresnel's Biprism
Lecture 21 - Interference by Division of Amplitude
Lecture 22 - Thin Parallel Films, Wedge Shaped Films
Lecture 23 - Newton's Rings
Lecture 24 - Michelson Interferometer and Its Applications - I
Lecture 25 - Michelson Interferometer and Its Applications - II
Lecture 26 - Multiple Beam Interference
Lecture 27 - Fabry-Perot Interferometer and Etalon - I
Lecture 28 - Fabry-Perot Interferometer and Etalon - II
Lecture 29 - Concept of Coherence - I
Lecture 30 - Concept of Coherence - II
Lecture 31 - Introduction to Diffraction
Lecture 32 - Fraunhofer Diffraction
Lecture 33 - Single Slit Diffraction
Lecture 34 - Double Slit Diffraction
Lecture 35 - Multiple Slit Diffraction
Lecture 36 - Diffraction at a Rectangular Aperture
Lecture 37 - Diffraction at a Circular Aperture
Lecture 38 - Diffraction Grating
Lecture 39 - Grating Spectrum and Resolving Power
Lecture 40 - Fresnel Diffraction
Lecture 41 - Fresnel Half Period Zones
Lecture 42 - Vibration Curve
Lecture 43 - Circular Obstacle, Zone Plates
Lecture 44 - Rectangular Aperture
Lecture 45 - Diffraction of a Plane Wave by a Long Narrow Slit
Lecture 46 - Brewster's Law, Malus' Law
Lecture 47 - Phenomenon of Double Refraction
Lecture 48 - Normal and Oblique Incidence
Lecture 49 - Production of Polarized Light
Lecture 50 - Quarter and Half Wave Plates
Lecture 51 - Analysis of Polarized Light and Optical Activity
Lecture 52 - Plane Wave Propagation in Anisotropic Media - I
Lecture 53 - Plane Wave Propagation in Anisotropic Media - II
Lecture 54 - Antireflecting Coating
Lecture 55 - Basic Concepts of Holography - I
Lecture 56 - Basic Concepts of Holography - II
Lecture 57 - Basic Concepts and Ray Optics Consideration of Optical Fiber
Lecture 58 - Introduction to Lasers - I
Lecture 59 - Introduction to Lasers - II
Lecture 60 - Trifle
Lecture 1 - Course Overview
Lecture 2 - Introduction to Geometrical Optics
Lecture 3 - Ray Theory, Fermat's Principle
Lecture 4 - Refraction from Single Interface
Lecture 5 - Refraction from double interface
Lecture 6 - Matrix method in paraxial optics - I
Lecture 7 - Matrix Method in Paraxial Optics - II
Lecture 8 - Thick and Thin Lenses, Unit Planes
Lecture 9 - Nodal Planes, System of Thin Lenses
Lecture 10 - Problems on Geometrical Optics
Lecture 11 - Concept of Wavefront, Huygens Principle - I
Lecture 12 - Concept of Wavefront, Huygens Principle - II
Lecture 13 - Superposition of Waves
Lecture 14 - Introduction to Polarization, Linear and Circular Polarization
Lecture 15 - Elliptical Polarization
Lecture 16 - Interference of Light Waves, Interference of Polarized Light - I
Lecture 17 - Interference of Light Waves, Interference of Polarized Light - II
Lecture 18 - Young's Double Slit Experiment - I
Lecture 19 - Young's Double Slit Experiment - II
Lecture 20 - Interference with White Light, Displacement of Fringes, Fresnel's Biprism
Lecture 21 - Interference by Division of Amplitude
Lecture 22 - Thin Parallel Films, Wedge Shaped Films
Lecture 23 - Newton's Rings
Lecture 24 - Michelson Interferometer and Its Applications - I
Lecture 25 - Michelson Interferometer and Its Applications - II
Lecture 26 - Multiple Beam Interference
Lecture 27 - Fabry-Perot Interferometer and Etalon - I
Lecture 28 - Fabry-Perot Interferometer and Etalon - II
Lecture 29 - Concept of Coherence - I
Lecture 30 - Concept of Coherence - II
Lecture 31 - Introduction to Diffraction
Lecture 32 - Fraunhofer Diffraction
Lecture 33 - Single Slit Diffraction
Lecture 34 - Double Slit Diffraction
Lecture 35 - Multiple Slit Diffraction
Lecture 36 - Diffraction at a Rectangular Aperture
Lecture 37 - Diffraction at a Circular Aperture
Lecture 38 - Diffraction Grating
Lecture 39 - Grating Spectrum and Resolving Power
Lecture 40 - Fresnel Diffraction
Lecture 41 - Fresnel Half Period Zones
Lecture 42 - Vibration Curve
Lecture 43 - Circular Obstacle, Zone Plates
Lecture 44 - Rectangular Aperture
Lecture 45 - Diffraction of a Plane Wave by a Long Narrow Slit
Lecture 46 - Brewster's Law, Malus' Law
Lecture 47 - Phenomenon of Double Refraction
Lecture 48 - Normal and Oblique Incidence
Lecture 49 - Production of Polarized Light
Lecture 50 - Quarter and Half Wave Plates
Lecture 51 - Analysis of Polarized Light and Optical Activity
Lecture 52 - Plane Wave Propagation in Anisotropic Media - I
Lecture 53 - Plane Wave Propagation in Anisotropic Media - II
Lecture 54 - Antireflecting Coating
Lecture 55 - Basic Concepts of Holography - I
Lecture 56 - Basic Concepts of Holography - II
Lecture 57 - Basic Concepts and Ray Optics Consideration of Optical Fiber
Lecture 58 - Introduction to Lasers - I
Lecture 59 - Introduction to Lasers - II
Lecture 60 - Trifle
Lecture 2 - Introduction to Geometrical Optics