Lecture 1 - Inductance, Self and Mutual
Lecture 2 - Relationship of Inductances in Transformer
Lecture 3 - Equivalent Circuit from Circuit KVL Equations
Lecture 4 - Co-efficient of Coupling , Energy Stored in Coupled Coils
Lecture 5 - A Single Conductor Generator and Motor
Lecture 6 - Analysis of Single Conductor Generator and Motor
Lecture 7 - Analysis of Single Conductor Generator and Motor (Continued...)
Lecture 8 - Flux Density Distribution in Space and Nature emf
Lecture 9 - Flux Density Distribution in Space and Nature emf (Continued...)
Lecture 10 - From Linear to Rotating Machine
Lecture 11 - From Linear to Rotating Machine (Continued...)
Lecture 12 - Basic Underlying Principle of Operation of Rotating Machine
Lecture 13 - Basic Underlying Principle of Operation of Rotating Machine (Continued...)
Lecture 14 - Flux Density Distribution along the Air Gap
Lecture 15 - Flux Density Distribution along the Air Gap (Continued...)
Lecture 16 - Induced Voltage in a Coil in a Rotating Machine
Lecture 17 - Induced Voltage in a Coil in a Rotating Machine (Continued...)
Lecture 18 - Induced Voltage in a Coil in a Rotating Machine (Continued...)
Lecture 19 - Induced Voltage due to Fundamental and Harmonic Components of Flux Density Distribution
Lecture 20 - Distributed Coils Connected in Series Resultant Voltage
Lecture 21 - Distribution Factor
Lecture 22 - Pitch Factor and Winding Factor
Lecture 23 - How to decide about Short Pitch Angle ϵ
Lecture 24 - Double Layer 3-phase Winding - An Introduction
Lecture 25 - Winding Table for 3-phase Distributed Winding
Lecture 26 - Winding Table for 3-phase Distributed Winding with Examples
Lecture 27 - Winding Table for 3-phase Distributed Winding with Examples (Continued...)
Lecture 28 - 120 degree Phase Spread Winding with Examples
Lecture 29 - Winding Table of 120 degree Phase Spread Coils and Group Connection
Lecture 30 - Introduction to Rotating Magnetic Field
Lecture 31 - Rotating Magnetic Field (Continued...), Mechanical and Electrical Speed
Lecture 32 - Speed and Direction of Rotating Field
Lecture 33 - Synchronous Speed and How to Calculate Induced Voltage in a Coil
Lecture 34 - Introduction to Induction Motor
Lecture 35 - Introduction to Induction Motor (Continued...)
Lecture 36 - General Expression of Torque in Terms of Stator and Rotor Fields
Lecture 37 - Torque Angle and Torque Expression
Lecture 38 - How to Fix Up Positions of Net Field, Rotor Field and Stator Field
Lecture 39 - Slip: Its Importance and Range for Motor Operation
Lecture 40 - Equivalent Circuit of 3-Phase Induction Motor
Lecture 41 - Equivalent Circuit of 3-Phase Induction Motor (Continued...)
Lecture 42 - Equivalent Circuit of 3-Phase Induction Motor (Continued...)
Lecture 43 - Expression for Electromagnetic Torque in terms of Equivalent Circuit Parameters
Lecture 44 - Maximum Electromagnetic Torque and Slip at Which it Occurs
Lecture 45 - Typical Torque Slip Characteristic and Operating Point
Lecture 46 - Change in Torque-slip Characteristic as Supply Voltage and Rotor Resistance are Varied
Lecture 47 - Types of Induction Motor - Slip Ring Type
Lecture 48 - Introduction to Cage Induction Motor
Lecture 49 - Cage Motor Can Operate for Different Stator Poles
Lecture 50 - Core Loss in Induction Motor and Simplified Equivalent Circuit
Lecture 51 - Torque Expression from Simplified Equivalent Circuit and Introduction to Circle Diagram
Lecture 52 - Circle Diagram (Continued...)
Lecture 53 - Exact Power Flow Diagram and Circle Diagram
Lecture 54 - Circle Diagram (Continued...)
Lecture 55 - Circle Diagram: Slip Line
Lecture 56 - Circle Diagram from Test Data
Lecture 57 - Starting of 3 Phase Induction Motor - Introduction
Lecture 58 - DOL and Reactor Starting
Lecture 59 - DOL and Auto Transformer Starting
Lecture 60 - Introduction to Speed Control
Lecture 61 - Idea of VVVF Speed Control of Induction Motor
Lecture 62 - Speed Contro Using Two Motors
Lecture 63 - Electrical Braking of 3 Phase Induction Motor
Lecture 64 - Braking (Continued...)
Lecture 65 - Introduction to Single Phase Induction Motor - Sequence Currents
Lecture 66 - Development of Equivalent Circuit
Lecture 67 - Development of Equivalent Circuit (Continued...)
Lecture 68 - Torque-slip Ch. of 1 ph. I-M Running on Single Winding
Lecture 69 - Introduction to Starting of 1ph. Induction Motor
Lecture 70 - Expression for Starting Torque and Need for Phase Splitting
Lecture 71 - Resistor Split 1 ph. Induction Motor
Lecture 72 - Capacitor Split 1 ph Induction Motor
Lecture 73 - Starting of 1 ph. Induction Motor (Continued...)
Lecture 74 - Synchronous Machine Construction
Lecture 75 - Synchronous Generator - Introduction
Lecture 76 - Synchronisation
Lecture 77 - Expression for Induced Voltage and O.C. Phasor Diagram
Lecture 78 - Loaded Synchronous Generator - Resultant Field
Lecture 79 - Armature Reaction and Synchronous Reactance. Basic Phasor Diagram
Lecture 80 - General Mode of Operation - Rotro Field, Stator Field and Resultant Field
Lecture 81 - Complete Phasor Diagram and Expression for Complex Power
Lecture 82 - Synchronous Motor Operation, Phasor Diagram and Power Expression
Lecture 83 - Effect of Variation of Field Current in Generator
Lecture 84 - Effect of Variation Field Current in Synchronous Motor, Introduction to Salient Pole Machine
Lecture 85 - Analysis of Salient Pole Synchronous Machine
Lecture 86 - Phasor Diagram of Salient Pole Synchronous Machine for Generator and Motor Mode
Lecture 87 - Expression for Load Angle and Expression for Power
Lecture 88 - Phasor Diagrams of Salient Pole Synchronous Generator under Various Conditions
Lecture 89 - Phasor Diagrams of Salient Pole Synchronous Motor under Various Conditions
Lecture 90 - O.C and S.C Test on Synchronous Generator
Lecture 1 - Inductance, Self and Mutual
Lecture 2 - Relationship of Inductances in Transformer
Lecture 3 - Equivalent Circuit from Circuit KVL Equations
Lecture 4 - Co-efficient of Coupling , Energy Stored in Coupled Coils
Lecture 5 - A Single Conductor Generator and Motor
Lecture 6 - Analysis of Single Conductor Generator and Motor
Lecture 7 - Analysis of Single Conductor Generator and Motor (Continued...)
Lecture 8 - Flux Density Distribution in Space and Nature emf
Lecture 9 - Flux Density Distribution in Space and Nature emf (Continued...)
Lecture 10 - From Linear to Rotating Machine
Lecture 11 - From Linear to Rotating Machine (Continued...)
Lecture 12 - Basic Underlying Principle of Operation of Rotating Machine
Lecture 13 - Basic Underlying Principle of Operation of Rotating Machine (Continued...)
Lecture 14 - Flux Density Distribution along the Air Gap
Lecture 15 - Flux Density Distribution along the Air Gap (Continued...)
Lecture 16 - Induced Voltage in a Coil in a Rotating Machine
Lecture 17 - Induced Voltage in a Coil in a Rotating Machine (Continued...)
Lecture 18 - Induced Voltage in a Coil in a Rotating Machine (Continued...)
Lecture 19 - Induced Voltage due to Fundamental and Harmonic Components of Flux Density Distribution
Lecture 20 - Distributed Coils Connected in Series Resultant Voltage
Lecture 21 - Distribution Factor
Lecture 22 - Pitch Factor and Winding Factor
Lecture 23 - How to decide about Short Pitch Angle ϵ
Lecture 24 - Double Layer 3-phase Winding - An Introduction
Lecture 25 - Winding Table for 3-phase Distributed Winding
Lecture 26 - Winding Table for 3-phase Distributed Winding with Examples
Lecture 27 - Winding Table for 3-phase Distributed Winding with Examples (Continued...)
Lecture 28 - 120 degree Phase Spread Winding with Examples
Lecture 29 - Winding Table of 120 degree Phase Spread Coils and Group Connection
Lecture 30 - Introduction to Rotating Magnetic Field
Lecture 31 - Rotating Magnetic Field (Continued...), Mechanical and Electrical Speed
Lecture 32 - Speed and Direction of Rotating Field
Lecture 33 - Synchronous Speed and How to Calculate Induced Voltage in a Coil
Lecture 34 - Introduction to Induction Motor
Lecture 35 - Introduction to Induction Motor (Continued...)
Lecture 36 - General Expression of Torque in Terms of Stator and Rotor Fields
Lecture 37 - Torque Angle and Torque Expression
Lecture 38 - How to Fix Up Positions of Net Field, Rotor Field and Stator Field
Lecture 39 - Slip: Its Importance and Range for Motor Operation
Lecture 40 - Equivalent Circuit of 3-Phase Induction Motor
Lecture 41 - Equivalent Circuit of 3-Phase Induction Motor (Continued...)
Lecture 42 - Equivalent Circuit of 3-Phase Induction Motor (Continued...)
Lecture 43 - Expression for Electromagnetic Torque in terms of Equivalent Circuit Parameters
Lecture 44 - Maximum Electromagnetic Torque and Slip at Which it Occurs
Lecture 45 - Typical Torque Slip Characteristic and Operating Point
Lecture 46 - Change in Torque-slip Characteristic as Supply Voltage and Rotor Resistance are Varied
Lecture 47 - Types of Induction Motor - Slip Ring Type
Lecture 48 - Introduction to Cage Induction Motor
Lecture 49 - Cage Motor Can Operate for Different Stator Poles
Lecture 50 - Core Loss in Induction Motor and Simplified Equivalent Circuit
Lecture 51 - Torque Expression from Simplified Equivalent Circuit and Introduction to Circle Diagram
Lecture 52 - Circle Diagram (Continued...)
Lecture 53 - Exact Power Flow Diagram and Circle Diagram
Lecture 54 - Circle Diagram (Continued...)
Lecture 55 - Circle Diagram: Slip Line
Lecture 56 - Circle Diagram from Test Data
Lecture 57 - Starting of 3 Phase Induction Motor - Introduction
Lecture 58 - DOL and Reactor Starting
Lecture 59 - DOL and Auto Transformer Starting
Lecture 60 - Introduction to Speed Control
Lecture 61 - Idea of VVVF Speed Control of Induction Motor
Lecture 62 - Speed Contro Using Two Motors
Lecture 63 - Electrical Braking of 3 Phase Induction Motor
Lecture 64 - Braking (Continued...)
Lecture 65 - Introduction to Single Phase Induction Motor - Sequence Currents
Lecture 66 - Development of Equivalent Circuit
Lecture 67 - Development of Equivalent Circuit (Continued...)
Lecture 68 - Torque-slip Ch. of 1 ph. I-M Running on Single Winding
Lecture 69 - Introduction to Starting of 1ph. Induction Motor
Lecture 70 - Expression for Starting Torque and Need for Phase Splitting
Lecture 71 - Resistor Split 1 ph. Induction Motor
Lecture 72 - Capacitor Split 1 ph Induction Motor
Lecture 73 - Starting of 1 ph. Induction Motor (Continued...)
Lecture 74 - Synchronous Machine Construction
Lecture 75 - Synchronous Generator - Introduction
Lecture 76 - Synchronisation
Lecture 77 - Expression for Induced Voltage and O.C. Phasor Diagram
Lecture 78 - Loaded Synchronous Generator - Resultant Field
Lecture 79 - Armature Reaction and Synchronous Reactance. Basic Phasor Diagram
Lecture 80 - General Mode of Operation - Rotro Field, Stator Field and Resultant Field
Lecture 81 - Complete Phasor Diagram and Expression for Complex Power
Lecture 82 - Synchronous Motor Operation, Phasor Diagram and Power Expression
Lecture 83 - Effect of Variation of Field Current in Generator
Lecture 84 - Effect of Variation Field Current in Synchronous Motor, Introduction to Salient Pole Machine
Lecture 85 - Analysis of Salient Pole Synchronous Machine
Lecture 86 - Phasor Diagram of Salient Pole Synchronous Machine for Generator and Motor Mode
Lecture 87 - Expression for Load Angle and Expression for Power
Lecture 88 - Phasor Diagrams of Salient Pole Synchronous Generator under Various Conditions
Lecture 89 - Phasor Diagrams of Salient Pole Synchronous Motor under Various Conditions
Lecture 90 - O.C and S.C Test on Synchronous Generator
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Electrical Machines-II
Lecture 28 - 120 degree Phase Spread Winding with Examples