Lecture 1 - Introduction, Sustainability, And Sustainable Development
Lecture 2 - Sustainable Development And Sustainable Goals
Lecture 3 - Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Change
Lecture 4 - Climate Risk
Lecture 5 - Impact of Development on Climate Natural Components
Lecture 6 - UNFCCC
Lecture 7 - Kyoto Protocol
Lecture 8 - The Paris Agreement
Lecture 9 - Green House Gases
Lecture 10 - Carbon Footprint and Calculation
Lecture 11 - The GHG Protocol
Lecture 12 - ISO International Standards
Lecture 13 - Identification and Determination of Scope 1,2 and 3 GHG Emissions
Lecture 14 - Identification and Determination of Scope 1,2 and 3 GHG Emissions - Part II
Lecture 15 - Identification and Determination of Scope 1,2 and 3 GHG Emissions - Part III
Lecture 16 - India Specific GHG Programs - I
Lecture 17 - India Specific GHG Programs - II
Lecture 18 - Accounting Methods and Data Collection
Lecture 19 - Tools for Calculation of GHG
Lecture 20 - Understanding the Role of Buildings and Related Emissions
Lecture 21 - Understanding Emissions of Airports
Lecture 22 - Understanding Emissions of University Campuses
Lecture 23 - Understanding Emissions of Fuel Supply Companies
Lecture 24 - Understanding Emissions of IT Companies
Lecture 25 - Understanding Emissions of Real Estate Companies
Lecture 26 - Thermal Comfort in Building
Lecture 27 - Passive Design Measures
Lecture 28 - Advanced Passive Design Measures
Lecture 29 - Natural and Mechanical Ventilation
Lecture 30 - Daylighting and Lighting Design
Lecture 31 - Factors Affecting Material Selection in Building?
Lecture 32 - Material Selection for Emission Reduction
Lecture 33 - Reducing Emission from purchased Electricity
Lecture 34 - Strategies of Renovation and Retrofitting for Emission Reduction
Lecture 35 - Case studies of Various Efficient Building Design
Lecture 36 - Calculation of Emissions Reduction from HVAC System
Lecture 37 - Calculation of Emission Reduction from Fenestration
Lecture 38 - Calculation of Emission Reduction from Building Envelope
Lecture 39 - Calculation of Emission Reduction from Source of Energy
Lecture 40 - Course Summary
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Understanding and Reducing Ghg Emissions - Focus on Scope 1 and 2 Emission Reduction through Building Design and Construction
Lecture 17 - India Specific GHG Programs - II