Lecture 1 - Introduction to Information Theory
Lecture 2 - Entropy, Mutual Information, Conditional and Joint Entropy
Lecture 3 - Measures for Continuous, Random Variable, Relative Entropy
Lecture 4 - Variable Length Codes, Prefix Codes
Lecture 5 - Source Coding Theorem
Lecture 6 - various source coding Techniques: Huffman, Arithmetic, Lempel Ziv, Run Length
Lecture 7 - Optimum Quantizer, Practical Application of Source Coding: JPEG Compression
Lecture 8 - Introduction to Super Information
Lecture 9 - Channel Models and Channel Capacity
Lecture 10 - Noisy Channel Coding Theorem
Lecture 11 - Gaussian Channel and Information Capacity Theorem
Lecture 12 - Capacity of MIMO Channels
Lecture 13 - Introduction to Error Control Coding
Lecture 14 - Introduction to Galois Field
Lecture 15 - Equivalent Codes, Generator Matrix and Parity Check Matrix
Lecture 16 - Systematic Codes, Error Detections and Correction
Lecture 17 - Erasure and Errors, Standard Array and Syndrome Decoding
Lecture 18 - Probability of Error, Coding Gain and Hamming Bound
Lecture 19 - Hamming Codes, LDPC Codes and MDS Codes
Lecture 20 - Introduction to Cyclic Codes
Lecture 21 - Generator Polynomial, Syndrome Polynomial and Matrix Representation
Lecture 22 - Fire Code, Golay Code, CRC Codes and Circuit Implementation of Cyclic Codes
Lecture 23 - Introduction to BCH Codes: Generator Polynomials
Lecture 24 - Multiple Error Correcting BCH Codes, Decoding of BCH Codes
Lecture 25 - Introduction to Reed Solomon (RS) Codes
Lecture 26 - Introduction to Convolutional Codes
Lecture 27 - Trellis Codes: Generator Polynomial Matrix and Encoding using Trellis
Lecture 28 - Vitrebi Decoding and Known good Convolutional Codes
Lecture 29 - Introduction to Turbo Codes
Lecture 30 - Introduction to Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM)
Lecture 31 - Ungerboek's Design Rules and Performance Evaluation of TCM Schemes
Lecture 32 - TCM for Fading Channel and Space Time Trellis Codes (STTC)
Lecture 33 - Introduction to Space Time Block Codes (STBC)
Lecture 34 - Space Time Codes
Lecture 35 - Space Time Codes (Continued...)
Lecture 36 - Introduction to Cryptography: Symmetric key and Asymmetric Key Cryptography
Lecture 37 - Some Well-Known Algorithms: DES, IDEA, PGP, DH Protocol
Lecture 38 - Introduction to Physical Layer Security: Notion of Secrecy Capacity
Lecture 39 - Secrecy Outage Capacity, Secrecy Outage Probability, Cooperative Jamming
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Information Theory
Lecture 2 - Entropy, Mutual Information, Conditional and Joint Entropy
Lecture 3 - Measures for Continuous, Random Variable, Relative Entropy
Lecture 4 - Variable Length Codes, Prefix Codes
Lecture 5 - Source Coding Theorem
Lecture 6 - various source coding Techniques: Huffman, Arithmetic, Lempel Ziv, Run Length
Lecture 7 - Optimum Quantizer, Practical Application of Source Coding: JPEG Compression
Lecture 8 - Introduction to Super Information
Lecture 9 - Channel Models and Channel Capacity
Lecture 10 - Noisy Channel Coding Theorem
Lecture 11 - Gaussian Channel and Information Capacity Theorem
Lecture 12 - Capacity of MIMO Channels
Lecture 13 - Introduction to Error Control Coding
Lecture 14 - Introduction to Galois Field
Lecture 15 - Equivalent Codes, Generator Matrix and Parity Check Matrix
Lecture 16 - Systematic Codes, Error Detections and Correction
Lecture 17 - Erasure and Errors, Standard Array and Syndrome Decoding
Lecture 18 - Probability of Error, Coding Gain and Hamming Bound
Lecture 19 - Hamming Codes, LDPC Codes and MDS Codes
Lecture 20 - Introduction to Cyclic Codes
Lecture 21 - Generator Polynomial, Syndrome Polynomial and Matrix Representation
Lecture 22 - Fire Code, Golay Code, CRC Codes and Circuit Implementation of Cyclic Codes
Lecture 23 - Introduction to BCH Codes: Generator Polynomials
Lecture 24 - Multiple Error Correcting BCH Codes, Decoding of BCH Codes
Lecture 25 - Introduction to Reed Solomon (RS) Codes
Lecture 26 - Introduction to Convolutional Codes
Lecture 27 - Trellis Codes: Generator Polynomial Matrix and Encoding using Trellis
Lecture 28 - Vitrebi Decoding and Known good Convolutional Codes
Lecture 29 - Introduction to Turbo Codes
Lecture 30 - Introduction to Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM)
Lecture 31 - Ungerboek's Design Rules and Performance Evaluation of TCM Schemes
Lecture 32 - TCM for Fading Channel and Space Time Trellis Codes (STTC)
Lecture 33 - Introduction to Space Time Block Codes (STBC)
Lecture 34 - Space Time Codes
Lecture 35 - Space Time Codes (Continued...)
Lecture 36 - Introduction to Cryptography: Symmetric key and Asymmetric Key Cryptography
Lecture 37 - Some Well-Known Algorithms: DES, IDEA, PGP, DH Protocol
Lecture 38 - Introduction to Physical Layer Security: Notion of Secrecy Capacity
Lecture 39 - Secrecy Outage Capacity, Secrecy Outage Probability, Cooperative Jamming
Lecture 8 - Introduction to Super Information