Lecture 1 - Overview of Obstetrics
Lecture 2 - Anatomy of Vulva or pudendum
Lecture 3 - Anatomy of Vagina
Lecture 4 - Anatomy of Cervix and Uterus
Lecture 5 - Anatomy of Uterus
Lecture 6 - Anatomy of fallopian tubes and ovary
Lecture 7 - Anatomy of plvic floor and perineum
Lecture 8 - Gametogenesis
Lecture 9 - Fertilisation and Embryogenesis
Lecture 10 - Implantation
Lecture 11 - Placentation (normal and abnormal)
Lecture 12 - Placentation (normal and abnormal) (Continued...)
Lecture 13 - Umbilical cord and Fetal membranes - Part 1
Lecture 14 - Umbilical cord and Fetal membranes - Part 2
Lecture 15 - FETUS (physiology and circulation)
Lecture 16 - Physiological changes in pregnancy - Part 1
Lecture 17 - Physiological changes in pregnancy - Part 2
Lecture 18 - Physiological changes in pregnancy - Part 3
Lecture 19 - Hormones in pregnancy
Lecture 20 - Hormones in pregnancy (Continued...)
Lecture 21 - Diagnosis of pregnancy - 1
Lecture 22 - Diagnosis of Pregnancy - 2
Lecture 23 - Obstetrical Examination
Lecture 24 - Obstetrical Examinationon antenatal mother (Clinical Study)
Lecture 25 - Maternal Pelvis $ Foetal Skill - Part 1
Lecture 26 - Fetal Skull
Lecture 27 - Pre-conceptional counselling and care
Lecture 28 - Nutrition in Pregnancy
Lecture 29 - Antenatal Care - Part 1
Lecture 30 - Antenatal Care - Part 2
Lecture 31 - Antenatal Care - Part 3
Lecture 32 - Antenatal Assessment of Fetal Well-Being - Part 1
Lecture 33 - Antenatal Assessment of Fetal Well-Being - Part 2
Lecture 34 - Antenatal Assessment of Fetal Well-Being - Part 3
Lecture 35 - Prenatal Screening and Diagnosis of aneuploidies
Lecture 36 - Invasive and non-invasive Prenatal Diagnostic Test
Lecture 37 - Invasive and non-invasive Prenatal Diagnostic Test (Continued...)
Lecture 38 - Fetal Imaging and Amniotic Fluid Study
Lecture 39 - Fetal Imaging and Amniotic Fluid Study
Lecture 40 - Teratology, Teratogens and feto-toxic agents - Part 1
Lecture 41 - Teratology, Teratogens and feto-toxic agents - Part 2
Lecture 42 - Normal Labour - Stages and cause of onset
Lecture 43 - Physiology of Labor
Lecture 44 - Events of Normal Labour
Lecture 45 - Mechanism of Normal Labour
Lecture 46 - Mechanism of Normal Labour (Continued...)
Lecture 47 - Clinical course of Labour
Lecture 48 - Monitoring of Normal Labour - Part 1
Lecture 49 - Monitoring of Normal Labour - Part 2
Lecture 50 - Labour Analgesia
Lecture 51 - Labour Analgesia (Continued...)
Lecture 52 - Abnormal Labour
Lecture 53 - Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring - Partogram
Lecture 54 - Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring - Cardiotocography (CTG)
Lecture 55 - Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring - Cardiotocography (CTG) (Continued...)
Lecture 56 - Induction and Augmentation of Labour
Lecture 57 - WHO Labour Guide
Lecture 58 - Episiotomy
Lecture 59 - Instrumental Vaginal Delivery
Lecture 60 - Obstetric anal sphincter injuries OASIS
Lecture 61 - Lower Segment Caesarean Section
Lecture 62 - Normal Puerperal changes
Lecture 63 - Management of Puerperium
Lecture 64 - Post-Natal care and postpartum contraception
Lecture 65 - Maternal Health Indicators and demographic scenario
Lecture 66 - Government health programmes related to Maternal Health
Lecture 67 - Government health programmes related to Maternal Health (Continued...)
Lecture 68 - Comprehensive Abortion Care (MTP Amendment Act 2021)
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:An Overview on Maternal Health Antenatal, Intranatal and Postnatal Care
Lecture 56 - Induction and Augmentation of Labour