Lecture 1 - RBE: Background and Overview
Lecture 2 - RBE Framework
Lecture 3 - RBE-Framework continuation and Major Procedural Elements
Lecture 4 - RBE-Major Procedural Elements (Continued...)
Lecture 5 - Risk Characterization
Lecture 6 - Reliability Characterization and Probability Distributions-Discrete Distribution
Lecture 7 - Probability Distributions - Continuous Distribution
Lecture 8 - Statistical Estimation in Probability Theory
Lecture 9 - Probability and Confidence Interval
Lecture 10 - Regression Analysis
Lecture 11 - Life Prediction : Introduction
Lecture 12 - Life Prediction : Related Aspects
Lecture 13 - Life Prediction and Assessment Approaches
Lecture 14 - Life Prediction : Accelerated Screening and Life Testing
Lecture 15 - Probabilistic Fracture Mechanic Approach
Lecture 16 - Introduction and Reliability Block Diagram (RBD)
Lecture 17 - RBD - System Redundancies
Lecture 18 - Fault Tree Analysis
Lecture 19 - Fault Tree Analysis Conti… and Event Tree Analysis
Lecture 20 - Markov Model
Lecture 21 - Dynamic Fault Tree
Lecture 22 - Dynamic Event Tree and Binary Decision Diagram
Lecture 23 - Common Cause Failure
Lecture 24 - Importance and Sensitivity Analysis
Lecture 25 - Maintainability
Lecture 26 - PRA-Introduction
Lecture 27 - PRA-Organizational and Quality Aspects
Lecture 28 - PRA-Qualitative Modeling and Analysis
Lecture 29 - PRA-Quantification of the PRA model
Lecture 30 - Monte Carlo Simulation, Root Cause Analysis
Lecture 31 - Low Power and Shutdown PRA
Lecture 32 - Internal Flood PRA
Lecture 33 - Level 1 Fire PRA
Lecture 34 - Seismic PRA
Lecture 35 - Level 2 and Level 3 PRA
Lecture 36 - Human Reliability- Introduction
Lecture 37 - State of the Art in Human-Reliability
Lecture 38 - Technique for Human Error Rate Prediction (THERP)
Lecture 39 - Human Cognitive Reliability (HCR) Method
Lecture 40 - CQB - Method Consciousness, Cognition, Conscience and Brain
Lecture 41 - Uncertainty - Introduction
Lecture 42 - Uncertainty: Overview, preliminary discussions considering selected approaches
Lecture 43 - Parametric Approach to Uncertainty
Lecture 44 - Uncertainty Modelling using Fuzzy Approach in RBE
Lecture 45 - Uncertainty – Bayesian, and Monte-Carlo technique
Lecture 46 - Scope of Course and Introduction
Lecture 47 - PoF and FMMECA
Lecture 48 - Failure Mechanism and Models
Lecture 49 - Virtual Qualification
Lecture 50 - Physical qualification and Prognostics
Lecture 51 - PHM Introduction
Lecture 52 - Prognostics and Health Management in RBE
Lecture 53 - Major AI and ML Techniques and Algorithms in PHM
Lecture 54 - Role of ANN technique in RUL Estimation
Lecture 55 - Uncertanity Management in PHM
Lecture 56 - RBE-Introduction
Lecture 57 - RBE for Life Extension in support of regulatory relicensing
Lecture 58 - RBE-Risk Monitor
Lecture 59 - RBE-Inservice-Inspection
Lecture 60 - RB Operator Support System
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Risk-Based Engineering
Lecture 5 - Risk Characterization