Lecture 1 - Basic Concepts of active and reactive power
Lecture 2 - Basic Concepts of reactive power compensation
Lecture 3 - Basic mathematical modelling of power transmission systems
Lecture 4 - Derivation of the relation of sending and receiving end voltages and currents - Part A
Lecture 5 - Derivation of the relation of sending and receiving end voltages and currents - Part B
Lecture 6 - Derivations of power flow expressions
Lecture 7 - Numerical example showing determination of power flow
Lecture 8 - Generalized expression for active and reactive power at any point of a long line
Lecture 9 - Mid-point voltage and current for long, lossless transmission lines
Lecture 10 - Plot of mid-point voltage vs line loading
Lecture 11 - Numerical example of mid-point compensation - Part A
Lecture 12 - Numerical example of mid-point compensation - Part B
Lecture 13 - Effect of Mid-point compensation on power flow of transmission lines
Lecture 14 - Thyristor controlled reactor (TCR)
Lecture 15 - Harmonics in TCR and Three-phase TCR configuration
Lecture 16 - Operating Characteristics of TCR
Lecture 17 - Categorization of different types of SVC and Fixed capacitor TCR (FC-TCR)
Lecture 18 - Mechanically Switched Capacitor TCR (MSC-TCR) and Thyrisor Switch Capacitor (TSC)
Lecture 19 - Thyristor Switch Capacitor (TSC)
Lecture 20 - Design of TSC-TCR: Numerical Example
Lecture 21 - SVC in enhancement of steady-state power transmission capacity
Lecture 22 - SVC in enhancement of transient stability of power systems
Lecture 23 - SVC in enhancement of synchronizing power coefficient
Lecture 24 - SVC in and power system oscillation damping
Lecture 25 - SVC in voltage control of power systems: Modelling
Lecture 26 - SVC in voltage control of power systems: Control characteristics
Lecture 27 - SVC in voltage control of power systems: Numerical example
Lecture 28 - Basic operating principle of TCSC
Lecture 29 - Basic mathematical modelling of TCSC - Part 1
Lecture 30 - Basic mathematical modelling of TCSC - Part 2
Lecture 31 - TCSC reactance and hamomics analysis
Lecture 32 - Applications of TCSC in power systems
Lecture 33 - Basic mathematical modelling of STATCOM
Lecture 34 - Applications of STATCOM in power systems
Lecture 35 - Basic mathematical modelling of SSSC
Lecture 36 - Applications of SSSC in power systems
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Power Electronics Applications in Power Systems
Lecture 17 - Categorization of different types of SVC and Fixed capacitor TCR (FC-TCR)