Lecture 1 - Introduction
Lecture 2 - The Haar Wavelet
Lecture 3 - The Haar Multiresolution Analysis
Lecture 4 - Wavelets And Multirate Digital Signal Processing
Lecture 5 - Equivalence - Functions And Sequences
Lecture 6 - The Haar Filter Bank
Lecture 7 - Haar Filter Bank Analysis And Synthesis
Lecture 8 - Relating psi, phi and the Filters
Lecture 9 - Iterating the filter bank from Psi, Phi
Lecture 10 - Z-Domain Analysis Of Multirate Filter Bank
Lecture 11 - Two Channel Filter Bank
Lecture 12 - Perfect Reconstruction - Conjugate Quadrature
Lecture 13 - Conjugate Quadrature Filters - Daubechies Family of MRA
Lecture 14 - Daubechies' Filter Banks - Conjugate Quadrature Filters
Lecture 15 - Time And Frequency Joint Perspective
Lecture 16 - Ideal Time Frequency Behaviour
Lecture 17 - The Uncertainty Principle
Lecture 18 - Time Bandwidth Product Uncertainty
Lecture 19 - Evaluating and Bounding squareroot t.squareroot omega
Lecture 20 - The Time Frequency Plane & its Tilings
Lecture 21 - Short time Fourier Transform & Wavelet Transform in General
Lecture 22 - Reconstruction & Admissibility
Lecture 23 - Admissibility in Detail Discretization of Scale
Lecture 24 - Logarithmic Scale Discretization, Dyadic Discretization
Lecture 25 - The Theorem of (DYADIC) Multiresolution Analysis
Lecture 26 - Proof of the Theorem of (DYADIC) Multiresolution Analysis
Lecture 27 - Introducing Variants of The Multiresolution Analysis Concept
Lecture 28 - JPEG 2000 5/3 FilterBank & Spline MRA
Lecture 29 - Orthogonal Multiresolution Analysis with Splines
Lecture 30 - Building Piecewise Linear Scaling Function, Wavelet
Lecture 31 - The Wave Packet Transform
Lecture 32 - Nobel Identities & The Haar Wave Packet Transform
Lecture 33 - The Lattice Structure for Orthogonal Filter Banks
Lecture 34 - Constructing the Lattice & its Variants
Lecture 35 - The Lifting Structure & Polyphase Matrices
Lecture 36 - The Polyphase Approach - The Modulation Approach
Lecture 37 - Modulation Analysis and The 3-Band Filter Bank, Applications
Lecture 38 - The Applications *Data Mining, *Face Recognition
Lecture 39 - Proof that a non-zero function can not be both time and band-limited
Lecture 40 - M-Band Filter Banks and Looking Ahead
Lecture 41 - Tutorial -Session 1
Lecture 42 - Student's Presentation
Lecture 43 - Tutorial on Uncertainty Product
Lecture 44 - Tutorial on Two band Filter Bank
Lecture 45 - Tutorial -Frequency Domain Analysis of Two band Filter Bank
Lecture 46 - Zoom in and Zoom out using Wavelet Transform
Lecture 47 - More Thoughts on Wavelets : Zooming In
Lecture 48 - Towards selecting Wavelets through vanishing moments
Lecture 49 - In Search of Scaling Coefficients
Lecture 50 - Wavelet Applications
NPTEL Video Course : Adv. Digital Signal Processing - Multirate and wavelets
Lecture 20 - The Time Frequency Plane & its Tilings