Lecture 1 - Introduction to Field Theory and Course
Lecture 2 - Integration using Complex Analysis
Lecture 3 - Cauchy Principal Value Theorem
Lecture 4 - Fourier Transform
Lecture 5 - Green's Function and Examples
Lecture 6 - Green's Function in Fourier Space
Lecture 7 - Fourier Transform, Time Frequency
Lecture 8 - Green's Function for Helmholtz Equation and Wave Equation
Lecture 9 - Green's Function for Diffusion and Schrodinger Equation
Lecture 10 - Dimensional Analysis
Lecture 11 - Functionals - Part 1
Lecture 12 - Lagrangian Formalism - Part 2
Lecture 13 - Relativistic Fields
Lecture 14 - Hamiltonian Formalism
Lecture 15 - Principle of Least Action
Lecture 16 - Relativistic Fields and Hamiltonian Formalism
Lecture 17 - Noether's Theorem and Symmetries
Lecture 18 - Review of Quantum Mechanics
Lecture 19 - Second Quantization
Lecture 20 - Field Operators
Lecture 21 - Fock Space and Vaccum Energy
Lecture 22 - Quantization of Bosons and Fermions
Lecture 23 - Examples
Lecture 24 - Free Fermi Gas
Lecture 25 - Propagators and Perturbations
Lecture 26 - Relativistic Quantum Field Theory
Lecture 27 - Feynman Propagator
Lecture 28 - Review of Statistical Mechanics (Partition Function)
Lecture 29 - Feynman Path Integral
Lecture 30 - Diagrammatic Field Theory (Wick's Theorem)
Lecture 31 - Wick's Theorem (Continued...)
Lecture 32 - Diagrammatic Perturbation Theory
Lecture 33 - Green's Function and Correlation Function
Lecture 34 - Feynman Diagrams
Lecture 35 - Phase Transition and Landau Theory
Lecture 36 - Failure of Landau's Theory
Lecture 37 - Scale Invariance
Lecture 38 - Renormalization Group - Preliminary
Lecture 39 - RG Steps
Lecture 40 - Pertubative Calculations
Lecture 41 - RG Fixed Points
Lecture 42 - Relevent and Irrelevant Variables
Lecture 43 - Behaviour Near Critical Points
Lecture 44 - Computing Critical Exponents
Lecture 45 - Mass and Charge Renormalization, Running Coupling const: Φ4 Theory
Lecture 46 - Charge and Mass Renormalization: QED and QCD
Lecture 47 - Breaking a Continuous Symmetry (Goldstone Mode)
Lecture 48 - Covariant Electrodynamics (Gauge Interactions)
Lecture 49 - Higgs Mechanism
Lecture 50 - Introduction to Non-Equilibrium Field Theory (Langevin Equation)
Lecture 51 - Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem
Lecture 52 - Kolgomorov's Theory of Turbulence
Lecture 53 - Equilibrium and Non Equilibrium Solution of Navier Stokes
Lecture 54 - Energy Flux in Navier Stokes Equation
Lecture 55 - RG Analysis of Field Theory of Turbulence
Lecture 56 - Renormalized Viscosity and Discussion
Lecture 57 - Renormalization of the Coupling Constant for the Shell Model
Lecture 58 - Flux Computation for the Shell Model of Turbulence
Lecture 59 - Renormalization Group Analysis of Navier Stokes Equation
Lecture 60 - Flux Computation for the Navier Stokes Equation
Lecture 61 - Functional Form of a Dynamical Equation
Lecture 62 - Surface Growth Phenomena: Introduction
Lecture 63 - Surface Growth Phenomena: EW Equation
Lecture 64 - Surface Growth Phenomena: KPZ Equation
Lecture 65 - Surface Growth Phenomena: KPZ Equation (Continued...)
Lecture 66 - RG Procedure for KPZ Equation
Lecture 67 - Noise Renormalization
Lecture 68 - Fixed Point Solution
Lecture 69 - Weak Turbulence Theory using Examples
Lecture 70 - Weak Turbulence Applications (Rotating Turbulence, Internal and Surface Gravity Waves)
Lecture 71 - Nonlinear Schodinger Equation
Lecture 72 - Field Theory of Passive Scalar Turbulence
Lecture 73 - Course Summary
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Tapestry of Field theory: Classical and Quantum, Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Perspectives
Lecture 70 - Weak Turbulence Applications (Rotating Turbulence, Internal and Surface Gravity Waves)