Lecture 1 - The turbulence problem
Lecture 2 - Basic hydrodynamics - Governing equations
Lecture 3 - Basic hydrodynamics - Vorticity
Lecture 4 - Basic hydrodynamics - Conservation Laws
Lecture 5 - Basic hydrodynamics - Example problems
Lecture 6 - Fourier space representation - Definitions
Lecture 7 - Fourier space representation - Flow equations
Lecture 8 - Fourier space representation - Kinetic energy
Lecture 9 - Fourier space representation - Vorticity, Kinetic Helicity, and Enstrophy
Lecture 10 - Fourier space representation - Examples
Lecture 11 - Fourier space representation - Examples (Continued...)
Lecture 12 - Craya-Herring Basis: Definitions
Lecture 13 - Craya-Herring Basis: Equations of Motion for a Triad
Lecture 14 - Craya-Herring Basis: Equations of Motion for an Anticlockwise Triad
Lecture 15 - Thermal Instability
Lecture 16 - Thermal Instabilities (Continued...)
Lecture 17 - Rotating Convection: Instability and Patterns
Lecture 18 - Magnetoconvection: Instability and Patterns
Lecture 19 - Nonlinear Saturation: Lorenz Equation
Lecture 20 - Patterns, Chaos, and Turbulence
Lecture 21 - Energy Transfers: Mode-to-mode Energy Transfers
Lecture 22 - Energy Transfers: Mode-to-mode Energy Transfers (Continued...)
Lecture 23 - Energy Transfers: Examples
Lecture 24 - Energy Transfers: Spectral Energy Flux and Shell-to-Shell Energy Transfer
Lecture 25 - Energy Transfers: Fluid Simulations using Spectral Method
Lecture 26 - Energy Transfers: Fluid Simulations - Dealiasing
Lecture 27 - Kolmogorov's Theory: Energy Spectrum and Flux
Lecture 28 - Kolmogorov's Theory: Insights and its Verification with Direct Numerical Simulation
Lecture 29 - Kolmogorov's Theory: Spectrum and Flux in inertial-dissipation range
Lecture 30 - Kolmogorov's four-fifth law: Isotropic Tensor and Correlations
Lecture 31 - Kolmogorov's four-fifth law: Derivation
Lecture 32 - Kolmogorov's four-fifth law: Derivation (Final steps)
Lecture 33 - Enstrophy Spectrum and Flux
Lecture 34 - Two-dimensional Turbulence
Lecture 35 - Helical turbulence
Lecture 36 - Flow with a scalar
Lecture 37 - Passive scalar turbulence
Lecture 38 - Stably stratified turbulence
Lecture 39 - Turbulent thermal convection
Lecture 40 - Flow with a vector
Lecture 41 - MHD Turbulence: Formalism
Lecture 42 - MHD Turbulence: Energy Transfers
Lecture 43 - MHD Turbulence: Turbulence Models
Lecture 44 - MHD Turbulence: Dynamo
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Physics of Turbulence
Lecture 9 - Fourier space representation - Vorticity, Kinetic Helicity, and Enstrophy