Lecture 1 - Fundamental aspects of hybrid materials
Lecture 2 - Materials selection basics for design with hybrid materials
Lecture 3 - Classes of materials and material property charts
Lecture 4 - Material property charts and concept of material indices
Lecture 5 - Material property chart-indices and concept of hybridization
Lecture 6 - Hybrid materials - Composite
Lecture 7 - Cellular solids - Applications of metal foams
Lecture 8 - Cellular solids - Applications of porous ceramics and polymer foams
Lecture 9 - Basics of Composite Materials and Classification
Lecture 10 - Composite Classification - Matrix and Reinforcement
Lecture 11 - Fibers - Fundamentals, Glass fiber
Lecture 12 - Fibers - Boron and Carbon Fibers
Lecture 13 - Fibers - Aramid and Ceramic fibers, Alumina fiber
Lecture 14 - Fibers - SiC fiber and Whiskers
Lecture 15 - Metal matrix composites (MMCs) - Basic concept, Liquid state processing
Lecture 16 - Metal matrix composites (MMCs) - Liquid and Solid state processing
Lecture 17 - Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs) - Basic concept, Processing techniques
Lecture 18 - Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs) - Processing techniques
Lecture 19 - CMCs and PMCs - Processing and Application
Lecture 20 - Fabrication of cellular ceramics
Lecture 21 - Sintering of ceramics - Aspects and mechanisms
Lecture 22 - Fabrication of cellular ceramics
Lecture 23 - Processing of metal foams - Foaming techniques
Lecture 24 - Processing of metal foams (Continued...)
Lecture 25 - Processing of metal foams (Continued...)
Lecture 26 - Polymer foams - Processing and properties
Lecture 27 - Additive manufacturing - Definition and Prospects
Lecture 28 - Cellular solids classification and Structure description
Lecture 29 - Structure of cellular solids - Pore structure characterization
Lecture 30 - Interfacial phenomena - Basic concept, Adhesion and Wettability
Lecture 31 - Interfacial phenomena - Factors affecting wettability
Lecture 32 - Interfacial phenomena - Interfacial bonding
Lecture 33 - Interfacial phenomena - Interfacial strength measurement
Lecture 34 - Interfacial phenomena - Case study - Al-MWCNT nanocomposite
Lecture 35 - Interfacial phenomena - Case studies: MMCs and CMCs
Lecture 36 - Interfacial phenomena - Case studies: MMCs and CMCs (Continued...)
Lecture 37 - Mechanics of Composites - Unidirectional Lamina
Lecture 38 - Mechanics: Fiber-reinforced composites - Transverse Loading
Lecture 39 - Mechanics: Fiber-reinforced composites - Problem Solving
Lecture 40 - Mechanics: Fiber-reinforced composites - Discontinuous fibers
Lecture 41 - Mechanics of Composites - Discontinuous fibers
Lecture 42 - Dependence of properties on pore structure
Lecture 43 - Mechanics of cellular solids
Lecture 44 - Mechanics of cellular solids (Continued...)
Lecture 45 - Deformation behavior of honeycomb and foams
Lecture 46 - Deformation behaviour of Foams
Lecture 47 - Deformation behaviour of Foams (Continued...)
Lecture 48 - Deformation behaviour of Foams (Continued...)
Lecture 49 - Thermal properties of foams
Lecture 50 - Other important properties of foams (Continued...)
Lecture 51 - Advanced composites - MMCs
Lecture 52 - Advanced composites - MMCs (Continued...)
Lecture 53 - Advanced composites - CMCs
Lecture 54 - Advanced composites - Advanced Processing Techniques
Lecture 55 - Advanced composites - Advanced Processing Techniques (Continued...)
Lecture 56 - Advanced composites - Advanced Processing Techniques (Continued...)
Lecture 57 - Advanced composites - Application oriented advanced composites
Lecture 58 - Microstructure and properties of natural cellular solid - wood
Lecture 59 - Advanced hybrid material - Functionally graded composite materials (FGMs)
Lecture 60 - Advanced hybrid material - Functionally graded composite materials (FGMs) (Continued...)
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Fundamentals of Composite and Cellular Materials
Lecture 3 - Classes of materials and material property charts