Lecture 1 - Lagrangian and Eulerian Approach, Types of fluid flow
Lecture 2 - Streamlines, Streakline and Pathline
Lecture 3 - Acceleration of fluid flow
Lecture 4 - Deformation and Conservation of mass of fluid a element
Lecture 5 - Angular deformation of a fluid element, vorticity and streamfunction and velocity potential
Lecture 6 - Euler’s equation
Lecture 7 - Bernoulli's Equation - Part I
Lecture 8 - Bernoulli's Equation - Part II
Lecture 9 - Reynolds Transport Theorem (RTT)
Lecture 10 - Application of Conservation of Mass
Lecture 11 - Application of RTT: Conservation of Linear Momentum
Lecture 12 - Application of RTT in Accelerating Reference Frames
Lecture 13 - Navier's Equation of Motion
Lecture 14 - Derivation of Navier-Stokes Equation
Lecture 15 - Derivation of Navier-Stokes Equation (Continued...)
Lecture 16 - Derivation of Navier-Stokes Equation (Continued...)
Lecture 17 - Fully developed flow between two parallel plates
Lecture 18 - Fully developed flow between two parallel plates (Continued...)
Lecture 19 - Couette flow
Lecture 20 - Flow with interfaces
Lecture 21 - Thin film flow on an inclined plane and Hagen-Poiseuille flow
Lecture 22 - Hagen-Poiseuille flow (Continued...)
Lecture 23 - Flow between two rotating cylinders
Lecture 24 - Stokes 1st problem
Lecture 25 - Stokes 2nd problem
Lecture 26 - Introduction to turbulence: basic concepts
Lecture 27 - Eddies
Lecture 28 - Eddies (Continued...) and Vortex shredding
Lecture 29 - Statistical description of turbulent flows
Lecture 30 - Reynolds stress
Lecture 31 - Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes equation (RANS)
Lecture 32 - Bernoulli’s equation - Part I
Lecture 33 - Bernoulli’s equation - Part II
Lecture 34 - Bernoulli’s equation - Part III
Lecture 35 - Euler’s equation in streamline coordinates
Lecture 36 - Flow over a fat plate: Blasius equation
Lecture 37 - Momentum integral method for boundary layer analysis
Lecture 38 - Approximate solution of the momentum integral equation
Lecture 39 - Displacement and Momentum thickness
Lecture 40 - Illustrative examples
Lecture 41 - Boundary layer separation
Lecture 42 - Resultant force on a body immersed in a fluid under motion
Lecture 43 - Potential flow
Lecture 44 - Examples of Potential flow
Lecture 45 - Some more examples of Potential flows, Lift and Drag force
Lecture 46 - Applications of lift and drag force
Lecture 47 - Some examples of flow past immersed bodies
Lecture 48 - Sports Ball aerodynamics
Lecture 49 - Introduction to compressible flows
Lecture 50 - Significance of Mach number
Lecture 51 - Navier-Stokes equation - Part I
Lecture 52 - Navier-Stokes equation - Part II
Lecture 53 - Navier-Stokes equation - Part III
Lecture 54 - Navier-Stokes equation - Part IV
Lecture 55 - Pipe Flow - Part I
Lecture 56 - Pipe Flow - Part II
Lecture 57 - Pipe Flow - Part III
Lecture 58 - Pipe Flow - Part IV
Lecture 59 - Principle of Similarity and Dynamical Analysis - Part I
Lecture 60 - Principle of Similarity and Dynamical Analysis - Part II
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Lecture 1 - Lagrangian and Eulerian Approach, Types of fluid flow