Lecture 1 - Overview of the Course, Practical and Research Trends
Lecture 2 - Harmonic and Periodic Motions, Vibration Terminology
Lecture 3 - Vibration Model, Equation of Motion-Natural Frequency
Lecture 4 - Energy Method, Principle of Virtual Work
Lecture 5 - Viscously Damped Free Vibration Special Cases: Oscillatory
Lecture 6 - Logarithmic Decrement Experimental Determination of Damping Coefficient Hystersis Loop
Lecture 7 - Coulomb Damping other Damping Models
Lecture 8 - Forced Harmonic Vibration, Magnification Factor
Lecture 9 - Laplace Transform, Superposition Theorem
Lecture 10 - Rotor Unbalance and Whirling of Shaft, Transmissibility
Lecture 11 - Support Motion, Vibration Isolation
Lecture 12 - Sharpness of Resonance, Vibration Measuring Instruments
Lecture 13 - Generalized and Principle Coordinates, Derivation of Equation of Motion
Lecture 14 - Lagranges's Equation
Lecture 15 - Coordinate Coupling
Lecture 16 - Forced Harmonic Vibration
Lecture 17 - Tuned Absorber, Determination of Mass Ratio
Lecture 18 - Tuned and Damped Absorber, Untuned Viscous Damper
Lecture 19 - Derivation of Equations of Motion, Influence Coefficient Method
Lecture 20 - Properties of Vibrating Systems: Flexibility & Stiffness Matrices, Reciprocity Theorem
Lecture 21 - Modal Analysis: Undamped
Lecture 22 - Modal Analysis: Damped
Lecture 23 - Simple Systems With One Two or Three Discs Geared System
Lecture 24 - Multi-Degree of Freedom Systems-Transfer Matrix Method Branched Systems
Lecture 25 - Derivation of Equations of Motion Part 1 - Newton
Lecture 26 - Derivation of Equations of Motion Part 2 - Newton
Lecture 27 - Vibration of Strings
Lecture 28 - Longitudinal and Torsional Vibration of Rods
Lecture 29 - Transverse Vibration of Beams, Equations of Motion and Boundary Conditions
Lecture 30 - Transverse Vibration of Beams: Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes
Lecture 31 - Rayleigh's Energy Method
Lecture 32 - Matrix Iteration Method
Lecture 33 - Durkerley, Rayleigh-Ritz and Galerkin Method
Lecture 34 - Finite Element Formulation for Rods, Gear Train and Branched System
Lecture 35 - Finite Element Formulation for Beams: Galerkin
Lecture 36 - Global Finite Element Assembly and Imposition of Boundary Conditions
Lecture 37 - Vibration Testing Equipments: Signal Measurements
Lecture 38 - Vibration Testing Equipments: Signal Analysis
Lecture 39 - Field Balancing of Rotors
Lecture 40 - Condition Monitoring
Lecture 1 - Overview of the Course, Practical and Research Trends