Lecture 1 - Introduction - I
Lecture 2 - Introduction - II
Lecture 3 - Nature of the Working Capital Management
Lecture 4 - Approaches of Working Capital Management - I
Lecture 5 - Approaches of Working Capital Management - II
Lecture 6 - Trade off between Profitability and Risk - I
Lecture 7 - Trade off between Profitability and Risk - II
Lecture 8 - Working Capital Management in Indian Business - I
Lecture 9 - Working Capital Management in Indian Business - II
Lecture 10 - Operating Cycle
Lecture 11 - Weighted Operating Cycle
Lecture 12 - Working Capital Requirement Assessment - I
Lecture 13 - Working Capital Requirement Assessment - II
Lecture 14 - Assessing Working Capital Requirements - Problem 2 and 5
Lecture 15 - Working Capital Requirement- The Conclusion
Lecture 16 - Working Capital Leverage
Lecture 17 - Risk and Cost of Holding Inventory
Lecture 18 - Inventory Costs
Lecture 19 - Inventory Behaviour
Lecture 20 - Inventory Management - Methods and Strategies
Lecture 21 - EOQ Technique of Inventory Management
Lecture 22 - Stockouts cause Walkouts
Lecture 23 - Rationing of Working Capital - I
Lecture 24 - Rationing of Working Capital - II
Lecture 25 - Different Modes of Bank Finance
Lecture 26 - Incremental Inventory - I
Lecture 27 - Incremental Inventory - II
Lecture 28 - Management of Accounts Receivables - I
Lecture 29 - Management of Accounts Receivables - II
Lecture 30 - Management of Accounts Receivables - III
Lecture 31 - Motives of Credit Sale - I
Lecture 32 - Motives of Credit Sale - II
Lecture 33 - Limitations of Credit Time Period
Lecture 34 - Written Credit Policy - I
Lecture 35 - Written Credit Policy - II
Lecture 36 - Goals and Functions of Accounts Receivables Management
Lecture 37 - Valuation of Receivables at Cost or Sales Value
Lecture 38 - Credit Policy Changes - I
Lecture 39 - Credit Policy Changes - II
Lecture 40 - Credit Policy Changes - III
Lecture 41 - Optimum Credit Policy
Lecture 42 - Credit Risk Analysis - I
Lecture 43 - Credit Risk Analysis - II
Lecture 44 - Credit Risk Analysis - III
Lecture 45 - Credit Policy Variables
Lecture 46 - Cash Management
Lecture 47 - Cash Flow Presentation
Lecture 48 - Models of Cash Management- Certainty Model by Baumol
Lecture 49 - Certainty Model by Baumol Continued
Lecture 50 - Uncertainty Model by Miller and Orr
Lecture 51 - Miller and Orr (Continued...) and Cash Management Techniques
Lecture 52 - Measures of Liquidity
Lecture 53 - Window Dressing and Management of Current Liabilities
Lecture 54 - Management of Accounts Payable
Lecture 55 - Cost of Stretching Accounts Payable - I
Lecture 56 - Cost of Stretching Accounts Payable - II
Lecture 57 - Other Accruals and Overtrading
Lecture 58 - Bank Finance - Introduction
Lecture 59 - Recommendations of Tondon and Chore Committees
Lecture 60 - Deciding a Suitable Mix
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Working Capital Management
Lecture 41 - Optimum Credit Policy