Lecture 1 - Introduction, Aims and Objectives
Lecture 2 - Introduction to Gender Studies
Lecture 3 - Feminist Consciousness and Gendered Experiences in Simone de Beauvoir
Lecture 4 - Gender Perspectives in Simone de Beauvoirs The Second Sex (Volume 1)
Lecture 5 - Gender Perspectives in Simone de Beauvoirs The Second Sex (Volume 2)
Lecture 6 - Gender and Race Consciousness - I
Lecture 7 - Gender and Race Consciousness - II
Lecture 8 - Intersectionality
Lecture 9 - Gender and Power Politics in bell hooks
Lecture 10 - Gender and Power Politics in Audre Lorde
Lecture 11 - Gender-Blurring in Toni Morrison - I
Lecture 12 - Gender-Blurring in Toni Morrison - II
Lecture 13 - Gender-Blurring in Toni Morrison - III
Lecture 14 - Unmasking Heterosexual Assumptions in Nancy Chodorow
Lecture 15 - Technologies of Gender in Teresa de Lauretis
Lecture 16 - Introduction to Queer Theory
Lecture 17 - Sex/Gender System in Gayle Rubin
Lecture 18 - Thinking Gender and Homosexuality in Gayle Rubin
Lecture 19 - Queer Theory and Literature in Eve Sedgwick
Lecture 20 - Eve Sedgwicks Epistemology of the Closet
Lecture 21 - Introduction to Queer Literature
Lecture 22 - 21st Century Queer Fiction
Lecture 23 - Queer Cinema - I
Lecture 24 - Queer Cinema - II
Lecture 25 - Queer Representation in OTT Platforms
Lecture 26 - Introduction to Judith Butler
Lecture 27 - Gender Trouble - I
Lecture 28 - Gender Trouble - II
Lecture 29 - Bodies that Matter - I
Lecture 30 - Bodies that Matter - II
Lecture 31 - Speech and Subjectivity
Lecture 32 - Gender in Translation
Lecture 33 - Undoing Gender - I
Lecture 34 - Undoing Gender - II
Lecture 35 - Judith Butler and the Unaccountable Subject
Lecture 36 - Performativity, Precarity and Sexual Politics
Lecture 37 - Gender Politics and the Right to Appear
Lecture 38 - Global Gender Movements
Lecture 39 - Mapping the Theories of Social Movements
Lecture 40 - #MeToo and the Politics of Social Change
Lecture 41 - Hegemonic Masculinity: Rethinking the Concept - I
Lecture 42 - Hegemonic Masculinity: Rethinking the Concept - II
Lecture 43 - Feminism and Men/Masculinities Scholarship by Chris Beasley
Lecture 44 - Postcolonial Masculinities by Fataneh Farahani and Suruchi Thapar-Bjorkert
Lecture 45 - Engaging Men for Gender Justice by Tal Peretz
Lecture 46 - Cyborg and Feminism in Anne Balsamos Technologies of the Gendered Body - I
Lecture 47 - Cyborg and Feminism in Anne Balsamos Technologies of the Gendered Body - II
Lecture 48 - Female Bodybuilding, Cosmetic Surgery and New Imaging Technologies in Anne Balsamo
Lecture 49 - The Virtual body in Anne Balsamos Technologies of the Gendered Body
Lecture 50 - Feminist Cultural Studies of Science and Technology in Anne Balsamo
Lecture 51 - Introduction to Biopolitics and Gender by Jemima Repo
Lecture 52 - Women or Womankind? by Jemima Repo - I
Lecture 53 - Women or Womankind? by Jemima Repo - II
Lecture 54 - Gender for a Marxist Dictionary from Simians, Cyborgs and Women by Donna J. Haraway
Lecture 55 - Biopolitics, Gender Representation and Video Games
Lecture 56 - Introduction to the Literary Posthuman: Narratives of Becoming Post
Lecture 57 - A Cyborg Manifesto by Donna Harroway
Lecture 58 - Ex-Machina and The Female Cyborg
Lecture 59 - Re-figuring the Subject by Rosi Braidotti
Lecture 60 - A Gender Perspective on COVID-19 Pandemic
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Contextualizing Gender
Lecture 22 - 21st Century Queer Fiction