Lecture 1 - Course Introduction
Lecture 2 - Language as a System
Lecture 3 - Design Features
Lecture 4 - Linguistic Relativity
Lecture 5 - Language and Culture
Lecture 6 - Language and Gender
Lecture 7 - Behaviourist paradigm in language acuquisition
Lecture 8 - Innateness Hypothesis [Generative Paradigm] in Language Acquisition
Lecture 9 - Key Concepts in Language Acquisition Lad, Ug, and poverty Stimulus
Lecture 10 - Linguistic Competence
Lecture 11 - Communicative Competence
Lecture 12 - Critical Period Hypothesis
Lecture 13 - Dialects
Lecture 14 - Speech Community
Lecture 15 - Diglossia
Lecture 16 - Systemic Functions of Language
Lecture 17 - SPEAKING Model
Lecture 18 - Register and Style
Lecture 19 - Bilingualism - Part I
Lecture 20 - Bilingualism - Part II
Lecture 21 - Code Mixing and Switching
Lecture 22 - Language Hybridity Case of Hindi-English Mixing
Lecture 23 - Pidgin and Creole
Lecture 24 - Creolization Process and birth of a Language
Lecture 25 - Mixing and Switching: Creative Outcome of Bi/Multilingual Mind
Lecture 26 - Language Policy and Planning
Lecture 27 - Types of Language Planning
Lecture 28 - Official Languages of India
Lecture 29 - The Process of Standardization
Lecture 30 - Three Language Formula
Lecture 31 - The Eighth Schedule
Lecture 32 - Mother Tongue
Lecture 33 - Linguistic Diversity of India
Lecture 34 - Schedule and Non-Schedule Languages Census of India 2011
Lecture 35 - Multilingualism in India
Lecture 36 - Language and Education Policy
Lecture 37 - English in India
Lecture 38 - Emergence of Sociolinguistics As An Independent Discipline
Lecture 39 - Language and Variations
Lecture 40 - William Labov Martha's Vineyard Island Study
Lecture 41 - William Labov Social Stratification of English in New York City (1966)
Lecture 42 - Observers Paradox and Sociolinguistic Variable
Lecture 43 - Dell Hymes and His Work
Lecture 44 - Basil Bernstein and His Work
Lecture 45 - John J. Gumperz and His Work
Lecture 46 - Joshua Fishman and His Work
Lecture 47 - Uriel Weinriech and his work
Lecture 48 - Susan Ervin M Tripp and her work
Lecture 49 - Charlse A Ferguson and his Work
Lecture 50 - William Bright and his work
Lecture 51 - Allen D Grimshaw and his work
Lecture 52 - MAK Halliday and His Work
Lecture 53 - MAK Halliday and His Work
Lecture 54 - Signific Studies in Language Variation
Lecture 55 - Indian English
Lecture 56 - Multilingual Societies and Multilingual Discourse
Lecture 57 - Language Endangerment
Lecture 58 - Linguistic Identity and Language Movements
Lecture 59 - Liguistic Identity and language Movements in India
Lecture 60 - Ferdinand de Saussure and his Influence
Lecture 61 - Saussure’s Key Concepts
Lecture 62 - 20th Century Theoretical Developments in Linguistics
Lecture 63 - Varieties of Language
Lecture 64 - Linguistic Landscape
Lecture 65 - Linguistic Allegiance, Identity, and Socialization in Digital Space
Lecture 66 - Recapitulating Language Acquistion
Lecture 67 - Review and Concluding Remarks
Lecture 68 - Significance of Culture in Language Learning/Teaching
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Fundamental Concepts in Sociolinguistics
Lecture 61 - Saussure’s Key Concepts