Lecture 1 - Introduction: What is Literary Theory?
Lecture 2 - Literature and Mimesis: Plato - I
Lecture 3 - Literature and Mimesis: Plato - II
Lecture 4 - Literature and Mimesis: Aristotle - I
Lecture 5 - Literature and Mimesis: Aristotle - II
Lecture 6 - Literature and the Sublime
Lecture 7 - Neoclassical Literary Theory
Lecture 8 - Literature and Romanticism - I
Lecture 9 - Literature and Romanticism - II
Lecture 10 - New Criticism
Lecture 11 - Formalism
Lecture 12 - Dialogism I
Lecture 13
Lecture 14 - Reader Response Theory I: The Phenomenological Tradition
Lecture 15 - Reader Response Theory II: Wolfgang Iser, Harold Bloom, and Stanley Fish
Lecture 16 - Structuralism I: Ferdinand de Saussure
Lecture 17 - Structuralism II: Claude Lévi-Strauss
Lecture 18 - Poststructuralism I: Roland Barthes
Lecture 19 - Poststructuralism II: Jacques Derrida
Lecture 20 - Poststructuralism III: Michel Foucault
Lecture 21 - Marxist Literary Theory I: Marx and Brecht
Lecture 22 - Marxist Literary Theory II: Althusser and Gramsci
Lecture 23 - Marxist Literary Theory III: Raymond Williams
Lecture 24 - Literature and Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud - I
Lecture 25 - Literature and Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud - II
Lecture 26 - Literature and Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud - III
Lecture 27 - Literature and Psychoanalysis IV: Carl Jung
Lecture 28 - Literature and Psychoanalysis V: Jacques Lacan
Lecture 29 - Feminism and Literature I: Mary Wollstonecraft
Lecture 30 - Feminism and Literature II: Woolf and de Beauvoir
Lecture 31 - Feminism and Literature III: Gynocriticism, Écriture Feminine, Judith Butler
Lecture 32 - Modernism and Postmodernism
Lecture 33 - Postcolonial Theory I: Edward Said
Lecture 34 - Postcolonial Theory II: Bhabha and Spivak
Lecture 35 - Conclusion
Lecture 1 - Introduction: What is Literary Theory?
Lecture 2 - Literature and Mimesis: Plato - I
Lecture 3 - Literature and Mimesis: Plato - II
Lecture 4 - Literature and Mimesis: Aristotle - I
Lecture 5 - Literature and Mimesis: Aristotle - II
Lecture 6 - Literature and the Sublime
Lecture 7 - Neoclassical Literary Theory
Lecture 8 - Literature and Romanticism - I
Lecture 9 - Literature and Romanticism - II
Lecture 10 - New Criticism
Lecture 11 - Formalism
Lecture 12 - Dialogism I
Lecture 13
Lecture 14 - Reader Response Theory I: The Phenomenological Tradition
Lecture 15 - Reader Response Theory II: Wolfgang Iser, Harold Bloom, and Stanley Fish
Lecture 16 - Structuralism I: Ferdinand de Saussure
Lecture 17 - Structuralism II: Claude Lévi-Strauss
Lecture 18 - Poststructuralism I: Roland Barthes
Lecture 19 - Poststructuralism II: Jacques Derrida
Lecture 20 - Poststructuralism III: Michel Foucault
Lecture 21 - Marxist Literary Theory I: Marx and Brecht
Lecture 22 - Marxist Literary Theory II: Althusser and Gramsci
Lecture 23 - Marxist Literary Theory III: Raymond Williams
Lecture 24 - Literature and Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud - I
Lecture 25 - Literature and Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud - II
Lecture 26 - Literature and Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud - III
Lecture 27 - Literature and Psychoanalysis IV: Carl Jung
Lecture 28 - Literature and Psychoanalysis V: Jacques Lacan
Lecture 29 - Feminism and Literature I: Mary Wollstonecraft
Lecture 30 - Feminism and Literature II: Woolf and de Beauvoir
Lecture 31 - Feminism and Literature III: Gynocriticism, Écriture Feminine, Judith Butler
Lecture 32 - Modernism and Postmodernism
Lecture 33 - Postcolonial Theory I: Edward Said
Lecture 34 - Postcolonial Theory II: Bhabha and Spivak
Lecture 35 - Conclusion
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Introduction to Literary Theory
Lecture 23 - Marxist Literary Theory III: Raymond Williams