Lecture 1 - Course Introduction
Lecture 2 - Applications of Image processing
Lecture 3 - Applications of Image processing (Continued...)
Lecture 4 - Basics of Images
Lecture 5 - Shot Noise
Lecture 6 - Geometric Transformations
Lecture 7 - Geometric Transformations (Continued...)
Lecture 8 - Bilinear Interpolation
Lecture 9 - Geometric Transformations (Continued...)
Lecture 10 - Projective Transformation
Lecture 11 - Homography
Lecture 12 - Homography - Special cases
Lecture 13 - Computing Homography
Lecture 14 - RANSAC
Lecture 15 - Rotational Homography
Lecture 16 - Research Challenges
Lecture 17 - Real Aperture Camera
Lecture 18 - Real aperture camera - Introduction
Lecture 19 - Cricle of confusion
Lecture 20 - Depth of field, Linearity
Lecture 21 - Space-Invariance
Lecture 22 - 2D Convolution
Lecture 23 - 2D Convolution
Lecture 24 - Blur Models
Lecture 25 - Space-variant Blurring
Lecture 26 - Shape from X - Introduction
Lecture 27 - 2-View Stereo
Lecture 28 - Introduction to Shape from Focus
Lecture 29 - SFF Principle
Lecture 30 - Shape from focus - Gaussian fitting
Lecture 31 - Shape from focus - Focus operators
Lecture 32 - Shape from Focus - Examples
Lecture 33 - Shape from Focus - Tensor Voting
Lecture 34 - DFD Principle
Lecture 35 - Motion Blur
Lecture 36 - Image Transforms - Introduction
Lecture 37 - Image Transforms - Motivation
Lecture 38 - 1D Unitary Transforms - Introduction
Lecture 39 - Extending 1D Unitary Transform to 2D - Motivation
Lecture 40 - Extending 1D Unitary Transform to 2D - Example
Lecture 41 - Alternative Forms of 2D
Lecture 42 - Kronecker Product
Lecture 43 - Kronecker Product - (Example Revisited)
Lecture 44 - Extending 1D Unitary Transform to 2D - Summary
Lecture 45 - 1D DFT to 2D DFT
Lecture 46 - 2D DFT Visualization
Lecture 47 - 2D DFT - Computation
Lecture 48 - 1D DCT - Definition, Motivation
Lecture 49 - Relation to DFT
Lecture 50 - 2D DCT and Walsh-Haddamard Transform
Lecture 51 - Data Dependent Transforms, Karhunen Loeve Transform
Lecture 52 - Karhunen-Loeve Transform (KLT) - Concept
Lecture 53 - Karhunen-Loeve Transform (KLT) - Applications
Lecture 54 - Karhunen-Loeve Transform (KLT) - Applications
Lecture 55 - Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
Lecture 56 - Applications of SVD
Lecture 57 - Change detection
Lecture 58 - Image Thresholding
Lecture 59 - Adaptive Local thresholding - Motivation
Lecture 60 - Chow-Kaneko Local thresholding
Lecture 61 - K-Means Method
Lecture 62 - ISODATA Method
Lecture 63 - Theory of Histogram Equalization and Modification
Lecture 64 - Histogram Equalization example
Lecture 65 - Image sequence and Single image filtering in Gaussian noise
Lecture 66 - Non-local Means Method
Lecture 67 - Non-local Means Filtering (Examples)
Lecture 68 - Impulse Noise Generator
Lecture 69 - Impulse noise filtering
Lecture 70 - Transform Domain Filtering
Lecture 71 - Illumination Handling
Lecture 72 - Applications of Restoration, and Image Deblurring
Lecture 73 - Haddamard's conditions and Least squares solution
Lecture 74 - Min-norm solution and Norm of Linear operator
Lecture 75 - Numerical stability analysis
Lecture 76 - Image Deblurring
Lecture 77 - Tikhonov-Miller Regularization
Lecture 78 - Conditional Mean as an Estimator
Lecture 79 - Linear Estimator
Lecture 80 - Wiener Filter
Lecture 81 - Fourier Wiener Filter
Lecture 82 - 1D Superresolution
Lecture 83 - Superresolution Examples
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Image Signal Processing
Lecture 19 - Cricle of confusion