Lecture 1 - Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA)
Lecture 2 - Input alphabet
Lecture 3 - Extended transition function
Lecture 4 - Language of DFA
Lecture 5 - Building DFA
Lecture 6 - Building DFA (Continued...)
Lecture 7 - NFA (Nondeterministic Finite Automata)
Lecture 8 - Language of a NFA
Lecture 9 - Equivalence of DFAs and NFAs
Lecture 10 - Subset Construction
Lecture 11 - ϵ-NFA
Lecture 12 - Extended transition function of NFA
Lecture 13 - Language of NFA
Lecture 14 - NFA to NFA
Lecture 15 - NFA to DFA
Lecture 16 - Regular expression
Lecture 17 - Regular expression (Continued...)
Lecture 18 - More on regular expression
Lecture 19 - Equivalence of NFA and regular expression
Lecture 20 - Equivalence of NFA and regular expression (Continued...)
Lecture 21 - DFA to Regular expression
Lecture 22 - DFA to Regular expression (Continued...)
Lecture 23 - Construction of regular expression from a DFA (example)
Lecture 24 - Closure properties of Regular Set
Lecture 25 - Closure properties of Regular Set (Continued...)
Lecture 26 - Substitution
Lecture 27 - Pumping Lemma
Lecture 28 - Application of the pumping lemma
Lecture 29 - More on Pumping lemma
Lecture 30 - Ardens Theorem
Lecture 31 - Minimization of FA
Lecture 32 - Minimization of FA (Continued...)
Lecture 33 - Two way FA
Lecture 34 - Finite automata with output
Lecture 35 - Equivalence of Moore and Mealy machine
Lecture 36 - Context free grammars (CFG)
Lecture 37 - Context free language (CFL)
Lecture 38 - More example on CFL
Lecture 39 - More on CFG
Lecture 40 - Derivation Tree/Parse Tree
Lecture 41 - Leftmost and Rightmost derivations
Lecture 42 - Ambiguity in CFG
Lecture 43 - Simplification of CFG
Lecture 44 - Algorithms to construct reduced grammar
Lecture 45 - Elimination of Null and Unit productions
Lecture 46 - Chomsky Normal Form (CNF)
Lecture 47 - Greibach Normal Form (GNF)
Lecture 48 - Pushdown Automata (PDA)
Lecture 49 - Language accepted by PDA
Lecture 50 - Example of a language accepted by PDA
Lecture 51 - Deterministic PDA
Lecture 52 - Equivalence of language accepted
Lecture 53 - Equivalence PDA
Lecture 54 - Equivalence PDA and CFL
Lecture 55 - Equivalence PDA and CFL (Continued...)
Lecture 56 - Relationship between regular language and CFL
Lecture 57 - Pumping lemma for CFLs
Lecture 58 - Closer properties of CFLs
Lecture 59 - Turning Machine
Lecture 60 - Language accepted by a Turning machine
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Introduction to Automata, Languages and Computation
Lecture 37 - Context free language (CFL)