Lecture 1 - Importance of water and wastewater treatment
Lecture 2 - Life expectancy and real-world scenario
Lecture 3 - Course outline
Lecture 4 - Review of fundamentals
Lecture 5 - Mass balance
Lecture 6 - Mass Balance: Batch reactor, CSTR, and Plug flow reactors
Lecture 7 - Mass balance: Comparison of CSTR and Plug flow reactor
Lecture 8 - Mass Balance: Non ideal system and Water quality parameters
Lecture 9 - Water quality: DO and ways to measure it
Lecture 10 - Water quality: Nutrients in water
Lecture 11 - Water quality: Total suspended solids and Pathogens
Lecture 12 - Wastewater treatment plant: basic principals
Lecture 13 - Wastewater treatment plant: Preliminary treatment
Lecture 14 - Wastewater treatment plant: Sedimentation and basics
Lecture 15 - Sedimentation: Discrete and Flocculant settling
Lecture 16 - Design of primary settling tank
Lecture 17 - Biological treatment: BOD and Nutrient removal
Lecture 18 - Analysis of biological removal process(ASP)
Lecture 19 - Activated sludge process: Material balance for aeration basin
Lecture 20 - Oxygen transfer: types and basic principals
Lecture 21 - Relevance of F/M ratio and Design Parameters of Activated Sludge Process
Lecture 22 - Sludge Bulking and Activated Sludge Variations
Lecture 23 - Sequencing Batch Reactor
Lecture 24 - Nitrogen Removal - I
Lecture 25 - Nitrogen Removal - II and Phosphorus Removal - I
Lecture 26 - Phosphorus Removal - II
Lecture 27 - Secondary Clarifiers and Attached Growth System
Lecture 28 - Disinfection
Lecture 29 - Chlorination Disinfection
Lecture 30 - Disinfection By-products (DBPs) and Disinfectant Removal
Lecture 31 - Water demand
Lecture 32 - Water Quality Parameters
Lecture 33 - Overview of Water Treatment
Lecture 34 - Physico-Chemical treatment
Lecture 35 - Coagulation - I
Lecture 36 - Coagulation - II
Lecture 37 - Rapid Mixing
Lecture 38 - Flocculation - I
Lecture 39 - Flocculation - II
Lecture 40 - Flocculent settling
Lecture 41 - Filtration
Lecture 42 - Depth filtration
Lecture 43 - Design of Sand filter and Surface filtration
Lecture 44 - Disinfection
Lecture 45 - Hardness - I
Lecture 46 - Hardness - II
Lecture 47 - Lime-Soda softening - I
Lecture 48 - Lime-Soda softening - II
Lecture 49 - Recarbonation
Lecture 50 - Types of Softening Basin and Adsorption
Lecture 51 - Adsorption
Lecture 52 - Adsorption Isotherms
Lecture 53 - Ion Exchange
Lecture 54 - Nanofiltration and RO
Lecture 55 - Aeration: Removal of Fe and Mn
Lecture 56 - Residual Management
Lecture 57 - Sludge Thickening
Lecture 58 - Stabilization of Sludge
Lecture 59 - Anaerobic and Aerobic digestion of sludge
Lecture 60 - Conditioning, Dewatering and Disposal of Sludge
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Water and Waste Water Treatment
Lecture 53 - Ion Exchange