Lecture 1 - Failure of classical mechanics
Lecture 2 - Postulates of quantum mechanics
Lecture 3 - Postulate 5 and 6
Lecture 4 - Overview of exactly solvable system
Lecture 5 - Introduction to many electron problem
Lecture 6 - Non-interacting and interacting quantum particles
Lecture 7 - Spin orbital concept
Lecture 8 - Slater determinant introduction
Lecture 9 - Form of exact wave function for interacting particles
Lecture 10 - A brief introduction to Configuration Interaction (CI)
Lecture 11 - Variational method and Rayleigh-Ritz variation
Lecture 12 - Linear variation method
Lecture 13 - Hartree-Fock theory introduction
Lecture 14 - Slater rules for matrix elements
Lecture 15 - Spin integrated for closed shell determinant
Lecture 16 - Examples of spin integrated determinants
Lecture 17 - Introduction to Lagrange variation
Lecture 18 - General lagrange variation
Lecture 19 - Lagrange variation to minimize the the Hartree-Fock energy
Lecture 20 - Non-canonical HF equation
Lecture 21 - Interpretation of coulomb and exchange terms
Lecture 22 - Unitary transformation of non-canonical HF equation
Lecture 23 - Canonical Hartree-Fock equation
Lecture 24 - Koopmans' approximation for IP
Lecture 25 - Koopmans' approximation for EA
Lecture 26 - Spin integrated Hartree-Fock for closed shell system (RHF)
Lecture 27 - Molecular Hartree-Fock introduction
Lecture 28 - Hartree-Fock Rothaan Hall equation
Lecture 29 - Symmetry of two electron integrals
Lecture 30 - HF Roothan equation in terms of atomic orbitals
Lecture 31 - Koopmans' IP for molecules
Lecture 32 - Koopmans' EA for molecules
Lecture 33 - Roothaan equation in orthonormalized basis
Lecture 34 - Review of Hartree-Fock theory
Lecture 35 - Charge density, Bond order and Population analysis
Lecture 36 - Dipole Moment
Lecture 37 - Introduction to basis set
Lecture 38 - Dunning and Pople basis set
Lecture 39 - Polarization and diffuse function
Lecture 40 - Brillouin's theorem and Slater's rule type-2
Lecture 41 - Slater rule type-2
Lecture 42 - Spin adapted determinant
Lecture 43 - Dissociation of Hydrogen molecule problem
Lecture 44 - Inadequacies of restricted Hartree-Fock theory
Lecture 45 - Hartree-Fock perturbation theory and correlation correction
Lecture 46 - Hartree-Fock perturbation theory (Continued...)
Lecture 47 - Introduction of 2nd order perturbation theory
Lecture 48 - Intermediate normalization and an expression for the Correlation energy
Lecture 49 - Slater rule -3 and derivation of 2-nd order perturbation energy
Lecture 50 - Physical insight of pair correlation theory
Lecture 51 - Introduction to configuration intercation (CI)
Lecture 52 - Determine the parameter of CI
Lecture 53 - Construction of CIS hamiltonian matrix
Lecture 54 - Importance of doubly excited determinants in correlation contribution
Lecture 55 - Intermediate normalization and an expression for the Correlation energy
Lecture 56 - CI equation in terms of Normal-Ordered hamiltonian
Lecture 57 - Doubly excited CI function (D-CI)
Lecture 58 - Matrix structure of CISD (singly and doubly excited CI)
Lecture 59 - Some illustrative example
Lecture 60 - Effects of singly excited determinant in the calculation
Lecture 61 - D-CI for non-interacting hydrogen molecules
Lecture 62 - Size consistency problem in truncated CI
Lecture 63 - N-dependence of D-CI correlation energy
Lecture 64 - problem of truncating CI
Lecture 65 - Introduction of second quantization operator in quantum mechanics
Lecture 66 - Creation and annihilation operator and their properties
Lecture 67 - Operators in second quantization
Lecture 68 - Some basic examples related with second quantization operator
Lecture 69 - Hole-Particle formalism
Lecture 70 - Hugenholtz rule for diagrammatic construction of MP perturbation theory
Lecture 71 - Linked cluster diagram
Lecture 72 - Energy expression for higher order Moller-Plasset perturbation theory
Lecture 73 - Diagrammatic representation of MP3 energy and some practice problem
Lecture 74 - Overview of the some other correlation calculation method
Lecture 75 - A brief introduction to Coupled cluster theory
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Many Body Methods in Quantum Chemistry
Lecture 67 - Operators in second quantization