Lecture 1 - Introduction
Lecture 2 - Motion in Space
Lecture 3 - Rotational Frame of Reference and Orbital Velocities
Lecture 4 - Velocity Requirements
Lecture 5 - Theory of rocket propulsion
Lecture 6 - Rocket Equation and Staging of Rockets
Lecture 7 - Review of Rocket Principles: Propulsion Efficiency
Lecture 8 - Examples Illustrating Theory of Rocket Propulsion and Introduction to Nozzles
Lecture 9 - Theory of Nozzles
Lecture 10 - Nozzle Shape
Lecture 11 - Area Ratio of Nozzles: Under Expansion and Over Expansion
Lecture 12 - Characteristic Velocity and Thrust Coefficient
Lecture 13 - Divergence Loss in Conical Nozzles and the Bell Nozzles
Lecture 14 - Unconventional Nozzles and Problems in Nozzles
Lecture 15 - Criterion for Choice of Chemical Propellants
Lecture 16 - Choice of Fuel-Rich Propellants
Lecture 17 - Performance Prediction Analysis
Lecture 18 - Factors Influencing Choice of Chemical Propellants
Lecture 19 - Low energy liquid propellants and Hybrid propellants Chapter 5: Solid Propellant Rockets
Lecture 20 - Introduction to Solid Propellant Rockets
Lecture 21 - Burn Rate of Solid Propellants and Equilibrium Pressure in Solid Propellant Rockets
Lecture 22 - Design Aspects of Solid Propellant Rockets
Lecture 23 - Burning Surface Area of Solid Propellant Grains
Lecture 24 - Ignition of Solid Propellant Rockets
Lecture 25 - Review of Solid Propellant Rockets
Lecture 26 - Feed Systems for Liquid Propellant Rockets
Lecture 27 - Feed System Cycles for Pump Fed Liquid Propellant Rockets
Lecture 28 - Analysis of Gas Generator and Staged combustion cycles and introduction to injectors
Lecture 29 - Injectors, Cooling of Chambers and Mixture Ratio Distribution
Lecture 30 - Efficiencies due to mixture ratio distribution and incomplete vaporization
Lecture 31 - Pumps and Turbines: Propellant Feed System at Zero -g- Conditions
Lecture 32 - Review of Liquid Bi-propellant Rockets and Introduction to Mono-propellant Rockets
Lecture 33 - Introduction to Hybrid Rockets and a Simple Illustration of Combustion instability in Liquid Propellant Rockets
Lecture 34 - Principles of Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Rockets
Lecture 35 - Electrical Thrusters
Lecture 36 - Electrical and Nuclear Rockets; Advanced Propulsion
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Rocket Propulsion
Lecture 10 - Nozzle Shape