Foss: Ruby - English
Outline: 1.1 Introduction to Ruby What is Ruby? Features Ruby gems Help on ruby 1.2 Installation Installation of ruby 1.9 through Ubuntu Software Centre Other methods..
Foss: Ruby - English
Outline: 2.1 Introduction -Ruby and variable Dynamic typing -Declaring a variable -Changing variable type -Converting the var value i.e to float,string,binary etc 2.2 Scope of Varia..
Foss: Ruby - English
Outline: 3.1 What is method Working with methods Declaring and Calling a method 3.2 Passing arguments to a method Explaining the arguments and syntax with example. 3.3 Passing valu..
Foss: Ruby - English
Outline: Arithmetic Operators Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Modulus Exponent Precedence of operators Relational Operators Double equal to == Not equal to != Less..
Foss: Ruby - English
Outline: Logical operator And && Or || Not ! Parallel assignment Range operator Inclusive Operator(..) Exclusive operator (...)
Foss: Ruby - English
Outline: Control Statements in Ruby What are control statements Syntax for if statement if..else statement if..elsif statement Examples on it Ternary Operat..
Foss: Ruby - English
Outline: * for & each loops in Ruby * Meaning of the term “loop” * Different kinds of loop * Syntax of “for” loop * Example implementation of “for” loop * Syntax of “each” loop * Example implementation o..
Foss: Ruby - English
Outline: * while & until loops in Ruby * Usage of while loop with an example * Usage of until loop with an example * Usage of redo construct with an example * Usage of break with an example
Foss: Ruby - English
Outline: * Object Oriented Concept in Ruby * Classes in Ruby * How to create objects * Different ways of defining methods in Ruby *Using ? and = to define meaningful methods * Example implementation of ..
Foss: Ruby - English
Outline: * Methods in Ruby * What are * instance methods * class methods * accessor methods * Example implementation of each of the above * Difference between them