Foss: Python - English
Outline: invoking ipython if there's a problem, pre-requisites are not met. getting out explain the prompt typing commands 1+2 careful wording to differentiate from print print 1+2 history (up, ..
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Using the plot command interactively ipython -pylab pylab brings in the libraries necessary for Scientific Computing. linspace, len clf plot using the plot ui..
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Embellishing a plot Title Label line width, color, style annotations
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Saving plots basic savefig png, pdf, ps, eps, svg going to OS and looking at the file
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Multiple plots overlays linspace give one with very few points, more points show smoothness of the curve legend figure 1, figure2 subplots
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Additional features of IPython ave, %history, %run
Foss: Python - English
Outline: loading data from files loadtxt with unpack=True primes.list (one col) pendulum.txt (two col)
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Plotting the data plot L vs. T2 using square function problem with 3 cols 3rd column is error error bar
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Other types of plots scatter pie chart bar chart log illustration of other plots, matplotlib help
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Getting started with sage notebook about sage starting the notebook server using the UI typesetting & print selecting language sage LaTeX ..
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Getting started with symbolics symbolic expressions built-in constants & functions algebraic expressions, series integration, differentiation matri..
Foss: Python - English
Outline: ABCD Degree RBT - U Calculus limits differentiation integration indefinite definite piece-wise functions differential equations maxima, minima Linear Algebra Vectors and Matr..
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Using sage to teach @interact 2D, 3D graphics Graph Theory Share, Publish print
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Getting started with lists empty filled lists heterogenity accessing len append elements del (+ remove)
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Getting started with for blocks in python (indentation) blocks in ipython … prompt hitting enter for with a list range function
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Getting started with strings strings single, double, triple quoted accessing elements show immutability tell that there are methods for manipulation
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Getting started with files show file object read the file with read closing the file for line in file: print a line append the lines to a list
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Parsing data explain what is parsing strip (with strings) split (with strings) with delimiters specify space as delimiter datatype conversion reading ..
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Getting started with arrays why arrays speed - simply say array level operations creating arrays direct data list conversion homogeneous ..
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Accessing parts of arrays accessing individual elements changing individual elements slicing, striding image manipulation
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Matrices creating matrices direct data list conversion builtins - identitiy, zeros, matrix operations + - * / dot inv det ..
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Least square fit show pendulum use loadtxt lstsq
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Basic datatypes & operators int L, long float repr, str complex boolean conversion functions sequence datatypes & mutability list available ..
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Manipulating lists concatenation slicing striding .sort sorted .reverse reversed
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Manipulating strings upper, lower, replace slicing [::-1] reversed palindrome check
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Getting started with tuples immutability tuple packing, unpacking a, b = b, a accessing individual elements slicing, striding
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Dictionaries empty filled accessing via keys .values(), .keys() in iteration
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Getting started with functions defining function arguments docstrings return values can return multiple values code reading exercises
Foss: Python - English
Outline: Advanced features of functions default arguments keyword arguments built-in functions show off