Foss: LibreOffice Suite Calc - English
Outline: Introduction to LibreOffice Calc What is Calc,Who should use Calc,What can be done using Calc. About spreadsheets,sheets and cells. Basic features – parts of main Calc window - Title ..
Foss: LibreOffice Suite Calc - English
Outline: Working with Cells How to enter numbers,text,numbers as text,date and time in Calc. How to use the Format Cells dialog box. How to Navigate between cells and in between sheets. How..
Foss: LibreOffice Suite Calc - English
Outline: Working with Sheets Inserting and Deleting rows and columns Calc. Inserting and Deleting Sheets in Calc. Renaming Sheets
Foss: LibreOffice Suite Calc - English
Outline: Formatting Data Borders, Color, Formatting Text, Increasing Cell Size Formatting multiple lines of text,numbers,fonts,cell borders,cell background Automatic Wrapping and Using manual ..
Foss: LibreOffice Suite Calc - English
Outline: Basic Data Manipulation Paste and paste special (values, transpose), pasting a spreadsheet into writer as a table Introduction to Formulas – Sum, Average, basic formula (=a*b+c) Subto..
Foss: LibreOffice Suite Calc - English
Outline: Working with data Speed up using Fill tools and Selection lists. Sharing content between sheets Remove data,Replace data,Change part of a data.
Foss: LibreOffice Suite Calc - English
Outline: Using Charts and graphs in Calc Creating,Editing and Formatting Charts Types of charts Resizing and moving of charts
Foss: LibreOffice Suite Calc - English
Outline: Images and graphics in Calc Inserting images in Calc Modifying images
Foss: LibreOffice Suite Calc - English
Outline: Advanced Formatting and Protection Cell Protection Ranges Validity
Foss: LibreOffice Suite Calc - English
Outline: Formulas and Functions Creating formulas,operator types and referencing Basic arithmetic and statistic functions - relative and fixed ($) referencing in a function Rounding off number..
Foss: LibreOffice Suite Calc - English
Outline: Linking Calc Data Referencing other sheets and documents Working with Hyperlinks