- Create an interface Vehicle which contains the methods brake() and run(). - Create another interface Fuel which contains the following methods: fill(String type, int quantity) pay(int quantity, int price) - Create a subclass Car which implements both the interfaces Vehicle and Fuel. - Here brake method should print "Car Applies Power brake" and the run method should print "Car is running on 4 wheels". - Similarly fill() method can print the the type and quantity of the fuel filled. For example: 10 Litres of Petrol - pay() method can be used to print the price to be paid. For example: Pay Rs.640 - Create another subclass Bike which again implements both the interfaces Vehicle and Fuel. - Here brake method can print "Bike Applies hand brake" and the run method can print "Bike is running on 2 wheels" - Next, implement the fill() and pay() methods as explained earlier. - Finally create a Demo class containing the main method to verify the results.