Lecture 1 - The longitudinal wave in vibrating spring
Lecture 2 - Harmonically excited systems
Lecture 3 - The concept of coincidence frequency
Lecture 4 - A classical problem in sound-structure interaction
Lecture 5 - Classical problem (Continued...)
Lecture 6 - Uncoupled solution to the classical problem
Lecture 7 - Uncoupled solution (Continued...).
Lecture 8 - Introduction to the coupled problem.
Lecture 9 - The coupled roots
Lecture 10 - Physical meaning of terms
Lecture 11 - Derivation of coupled roots using asymptotic method
Lecture 12 - Coupled roots derivation (Continued...)
Lecture 13 - Regions of heavy and light fluid loading
Lecture 14 - Light and heavy fluid loading (Continued...)
Lecture 15 - The coupled vibration field
Lecture 16 - The coupled acoustic field and stationary phase
Lecture 17 - The 2-D structural-acoustic waveguide
Lecture 18 - The coupled partial differential equations
Lecture 19 - Derivation of the coupled dispersion equation
Lecture 20 - A schematic of coupled waves
Lecture 21 - Derivation of coupled waves using asymptotic method
Lecture 22 - Asymptotic method (Continued...) and Maple demo
Lecture 23 - Physics of the coupled waves
Lecture 24 - Critical points
Lecture 25 - Heavy fluid loading
Lecture 26 - Summary of the rectangular waveguide
Lecture 27 - Impedance and mobility
Lecture 28 - Derivation of acoustic and vibration response
Lecture 29 - Derivation of vibro-acoustic response (Continued...)
Lecture 30 - Derivation of vibro-acoustic response (Continued...)
Lecture 31 - Numerical example
Lecture 32 - Coupled resonance analysis using matrices
Lecture 33 - Coupled resonance analysis (Continued...)
Lecture 34 - Sound radiation from a baffled panel
Lecture 35 - Derivation of pressure response.
Lecture 36 - Radiation efficiency
Lecture 37 - Physics of volume velocity cancellation
Lecture 38 - Derivations in the frequency domain: 1-D
Lecture 39 - Physics of the vibration spectrum in 2-D
Lecture 40 - Modal character across the frequency range
Lecture 41 - Simultaneous radiation from several modes
Lecture 42 - Panel radiation model using monopoles
Lecture 43 - Physics of panel radiation using monopole model
Lecture 44 - Physics of panel radiation using monopole model (Cointinued...)
Lecture 45 - Radiation resistance derivation from Maidanik’s work (Continued...)
Lecture 46 - Radiation resistance derivation from Maidanik’s work (Continued...)
Lecture 47 - Radiation resistance derivation from Maidanik’s work (Continued...)
Lecture 48 - Modal average radiation efficiency
Lecture 49 - Modal average radiation efficiency (Cointinued...)
Lecture 50 - Transmission of sound through a rigid panel with flexible mounts
Lecture 51 - Frequency dependence of sound transmission
Lecture 52 - Sound transmission through a flexible partition
Lecture 53 - Transmission loss in different situations
Lecture 54 - Cylindrical shell vibration
Lecture 55 - Behavior of uncoupled shell waves
Lecture 56 - Fluid waves in rigid-walled cylindrical shells
Lecture 57 - Wave propagation characteristics in flexible cylindrical shells carrying fluid: Fullers paper
Lecture 58 - Wave impedance of an infinite plate: fluid loading
Lecture 59 - Fluid loading in a finite plate
Lecture 60 - Summary of the entire course
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Sound and Structural Vibration
Lecture 17 - The 2-D structural-acoustic waveguide