Lecture 1 - External analysis
Lecture 2 - Industry evolution
Lecture 3 - Five forces model
Lecture 4 - Generic competitive strategies
Lecture 5 - Position analyses
Lecture 6 - Competitive Dynamics
Lecture 7 - Business Portfolio Analysis
Lecture 8 - Global Strategy
Lecture 9 - Creative Strategy
Lecture 10 - Balanced Scorecard
Lecture 11 - Execution overview
Lecture 12 - Structure as enabler
Lecture 13 - Execution
Lecture 14 - Execution case study
Lecture 15 - Strategic management
Lecture 16 - Competitive strategy overview
Lecture 17 - Economic forces
Lecture 18 - Liquidity as the sixth force
Lecture 19 - The six forces model
Lecture 20 - Strategic groups
Lecture 21 - Buyer power
Lecture 22 - Supplier power
Lecture 23 - Competitive moves
Lecture 24 - Market signaling
Lecture 25 - Competitor clusters and analysis
Lecture 26 - Generic strategies
Lecture 27 - Structural analysis and competitive strategy
Lecture 28 - Quality, Cost and value
Lecture 29 - Differentiation and De-commoditization
Lecture 30 - Niche as a core competence
Lecture 31 - Generic industry environments
Lecture 32 - Integration, Expansion, and Diversification
Lecture 33 - Comparators and responders
Lecture 34 - Strategic balance
Lecture 35 - Technology and collaboration
Lecture 36 - Technology strategy
Lecture 37 - Competition in technology prism
Lecture 38 - Technological competence
Lecture 39 - Generic technology strategies
Lecture 40 - Innovation and generic strategies
Lecture 41 - Technology and Differentiation
Lecture 42 - Technology and Followership
Lecture 43 - Technology in five forces prism
Lecture 44 - Technology and Patenting
Lecture 45 - Technology and Change
Lecture 46 - Customised product design
Lecture 47 - Technology and functionality
Lecture 48 - Technological behaviour
Lecture 49 - Technology and public policy
Lecture 50 - Technology and transformation
Lecture 51 - Strategic shifts
Lecture 52 - Business models
Lecture 53 - Retro - Futurism
Lecture 54 - Innovation strategy and process
Lecture 55 - High technology business companies
Lecture 56 - Renewables and electric vehicles
Lecture 57 - Dyson and 3M
Lecture 58 - GE and DuPont
Lecture 59 - NVIDIA and Bose
Lecture 60 - Fitbit and apple
Lecture 61 - In closing
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Strategy and Technology: A Practical Primer
Lecture 19 - The six forces model