Lecture 1 - Introduction to Digital Design with Verilog
Lecture 2 - Switching Algebra
Lecture 3 - Canonical Forms of Switching Functions
Lecture 4 - Number Systems
Lecture 5 - Binary Arithmetic
Lecture 6 - Binary Codes
Lecture 7 - Error Detection and Corrections Codes
Lecture 8 - Minimization of Switching functions-Karnaugh Map
Lecture 9 - Karnaugh Map
Lecture 10 - Minimization of Switching functions-Properties
Lecture 11 - Quine-McCluskey Method
Lecture 12 - Quine-McCluskey Method-Prime Implication Chart
Lecture 13 - ESPRESSO-Heuristic Based Switching Function Minimization
Lecture 14 - Multi-level Logic Minimization
Lecture 15 - Multi-level Logic Minimization-Kernels Extraction
Lecture 16 - Digital Circuits Modelling using Verilog
Lecture 17 - Modelling Techniques in Verilog
Lecture 18 - Behavioral Modelling in Verilog
Lecture 19 - Digital System Design using Verilog
Lecture 20 - Testbench in Verilog
Lecture 21 - Code Conversion, Parity Bit Generator
Lecture 22 - Comparator, Multiplexer
Lecture 23 - Encoder, Decoder
Lecture 24 - Ripple Carry Adder, Carry Look ahead Adder
Lecture 25 - Adder/Subtractor
Lecture 26 - BCD Adder, Multiplier
Lecture 27 - Latch/Storage Design
Lecture 28 - Flipflop Design, Characteristics of Flipflop
Lecture 29 - Flipflop, Register and Memory
Lecture 30 - Digital Counter
Lecture 31 - Finite State Machine Design and Implementation with many Examples
Lecture 32 - FSM Completeness and Correctness
Lecture 33 - Sync Counter using FSM, Implementation using different FFs and Comparision of types of FSM
Lecture 34 - FSM State Optimization using Row Matching and Partitioning Methods
Lecture 35 - State Optimization using Implication chart and State Encoding
Lecture 36 - RTL Design, Introduction to ASM (Algorithmic State Machine)
Lecture 37 - RTL/ASM Design Examples and Implementation
Lecture 38 - ASM Data Path Inference and Control Path Generation
Lecture 39 - Sequential Multplier the Classic Example of RTL Design
Lecture 40 - Introduction to FPGA and Design Flow
Lecture 41 - Introduction to Electronic Design Automation
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Digital Design with Verilog
Lecture 4 - Number Systems